31 Years Ago Today The Sheffield Was Destroyed

The US would then be facing a bleak prospect of having both Brazil and Argentina confront its greatest ally and very potentially fall into the Soviet sphere of influence.

This was a very complex game of geo-political power and not nearly as simple as many people think.

In fact, the USSR offered their help in the conflict.
This war was an extract of the manuals war, It was like very simple and clean and tidy.
In fact, the USSR offer their help in the conflict.
This war was an extract of the manuals war, It was like very simple and clean and tidy.

The Soviet Union was always an ally of the Proceso, because the two systems had so much in common.
The Soviet Union was always an ally of the Proceso, because the two systems had so much in common.
Source? I knew about the help during the conflict, but not about any direct assistance during the wider era of dictatorship. Although I believe that Fidel Castro felt really comfortable with Videla & friends
This was a very complex game of geo-political power and not nearly as simple as many people think.
You enjoy making it sound more complex than it really was because you believe that it makes you sound informed. Enjoy your position as a Monday morning QB. But history is not written in retrospect with suppositions and guestimates of who might have done what.
Source? I knew about the help during the conflict, but not about any direct assistance during the wider era of dictatorship. Although I believe that Fidel Castro felt really comfortable with Videla & friends

Argentina faced a complex situation during the 70's because meanwhile they were making a genocide in the name of the fight against communism, the Soviet Union was the main client for AR exports while the busisness relationship with China was just beggining.

Since AR has the wrong allies during WWII, is facing the consequences of its wrong decision in the lost of its traditional markets.

Massera noticed this dicotomy but he realized too late that the US aren t ally of AR (he was the leader of the bunch of idiots who decided to start the war).

But the Soviet Union was never involved in the conflict.

Source? Read 1982, written by the former head of the inteligence agency of argentina.

Pd: I doubt that Fidel Castro might be happy with Videla, in fact, cuban diplomats were kidnapped ank murdered by Videla and argentinian military were involved in the anti comunist dirty war in nicaragua and bolivia.
But the Soviet Union was never involved in the conflict.

Huh? How about the cargo planes transporting soviet weapons (via Libya) to Argentina that were intercepted and forced to land by the Brazilian Air Force when crossing Brazilian air space? How do you think the Armada found the exact location of the British Task force? The Soviets were tracking the task force via satellite and passed their exact coordinates to the Argentinian military so that they could execute the Exocet attack that sinked the Sheffield.

No my friend, the Soviet Union was very much involved in the conflict.
Montoneros had a training camp in libya and a weapong factory. Montoneros was infiltrated by the navy intelegence and many if them worked as double agents.
There is a book " montoneros, soldados de videla" that tries to explains the libya connection.
However, it is not cleat at all.