7 Wonder Cities Of The World


Jul 30, 2013
Mendoza - I haven't been there yet... Is it really a wonder city?

I love the colours of the trees, at least in winter which is when i was there. With the light in there it gives the entire city a golden glow, but i dont know if thats enough for you to call it a wonder city.
Mendoza is really lovely, kind of boring just in the city, but close to nature, vineyards, mountains, big open spaces. The people look healthy because they get into nature more -that was my opinion anyway. BUt it's not a world wonder by any means!!!
I have been living here in Mendoza for a while and think it is a great place. Considering that it was built in the cuyo desert it qualifies as a wonder, I guess ;) In response to lucha - I don't think it is boring at all. It has a lot to offer for a city of this size.
Mendoza might be a healthy place to live -at least much healthier than BsArs, but hey that's not difficult- but it's very well known as a very conservative place, controlled by the Opus Dei-kind of religious groups.
I never here anything about Mendoza other than it is close to some cool stuff, mountains, wine, outdoor type stuff. I don't have much of a view of what the city itself offers other than location. I'm biased, I like Rosario and might yet convince the other half to move there despite the drug gangs and the villas around the city. There are definitely some opportunities to be had there in various sectors too..

Back to Mendoza. I must go over and see what it's about too...