90 day visa

August 2009 is ancient history as far as the current concerns of this thread go...
Hellek said:
Thanks for the advice. But we have to remember that there have been changes in comparison to august 2009 and can not be sure that it still works like this.

That's correct. There have been changes and no one knows for sure what to expect as the decisions are up to the individual border agents, at least for the time being.

Some expats with multiple 90 day tourist visa stamps in their passports have been asked "tough" questions as they reentered at border crossings, including EZE and I believe Dolly was actually detained for 24 hours and posted about it in the forum.
If you get your visa renewed at migraciones in country and then leave & return before that date expires - the officials at the border CAN NOT override that initial date. It has always been the case (or at least for the past few years). It is nothing new. So if you go to immigration today, get a 90 day renewal and then leave after 45 days, you will not get another 90 days when you return. Your original date will remain unchanged and you will have to leave at the 90 day mark again.

Again - for all the doomsday scenarios, I know multiple people who have continued to go about their business of being a perma-tourist with no problems.

There is no guarantees, the individual agents have the right to guess & ask questions but at least from the people I know, they have had no problems.