99% loss of value in peso in my time, momentous day

And this matters because...? You can either afford to live here or not. You either enjoy living here or you don't. I'm amazed at all the geezery griping here.
I have been able to afford living here since 1999 when one could withdraw dollars or pesos from the ATMs. You had to know which currency was accepted. I paid rent in dollars, but I bought food with pesos because they were of equal value. A bus ride was a few centavo coins. It's about the same today.

I enjoy living in this great city. I've gotten used to it. I have a roof over my head, food in the frige, and a quiet place to sleep. The abundance of free concerts keeps me very happy. I couldn't live without music.
Was $6ARS to the Dollar when I arrived.
The only thing I can remember the price of at the time was a pack of fags and it was $6 ARS for 20 Philip Morris.
Not sure what they go for now since I don't smoke!
In early 2011 the cover charge at El Beso milonga was 20 pesos @ approximately 4 pesos to 1 dollar = $5. Now the cover is 1200 pesos at approximate 400 to 1 dollar = $3. So in 12 years, the price for people with dollars actually went down 40 %.
Unless you track the US dollar against some sort of imaginary absolute, I dont see how this makes any difference.
The Peso devaluated against the dollar.
But the dollar devaluated against the dollar, too, over that time period.
I suppose if you did some sort of calculation of the imaginary spending power of the dollar in 2000, vs today, then did the same for the peso, then calculated how that is affected by the peso/dollar rate, you could get a more accurate rate of purcahsing power of peso vs dollar-
but Where?
obvioulsy, the dollar goes farther in argentina than in the USA, but all the online dollar then versus now calculators are just based on imaginary US buying power.
I know that I am in the USA right now, and the fact that I can buy more pesos is completely irrelevant- EVERYTHING in the US is much more expensive these days, and the official inflation rate doesnt count the reality on the ground.
My friends in Argentina who make very little still can afford a better lifestyle than my friends in big US cities who make tons of money.