A Beautiful Madhouse?


Apr 1, 2014
Back in the early '80s during my first decade in Argentina I used to complain a lot to the Argies about how disorganized everything was and how disinterested they seemed to be in correcting that situation for their own benefit.Their answer many times was that ,Yes the country was a "quilombo-- a mad house" but "un quilombo lindo---a pretty mad house".. It was difficult for me to believe that it was the way they liked and wanted it.but I took their word for it.Incidentally,the word "quilombo" is (I believe) of Braziian origin and meant the slave quarters where the African slaves lived which was many times noisy due to a lot of music etc. As time went on I began to understand that they really revelled in this aspect of their personality known in Spanish as"indomito" or undisciplined characterized by the exp<b></b>ression," Que se joda el siguiente" ----"Screw the next guy".
They even used to mock what they thought was super organization in the old Fritz and Frank jokes about 2 German immigrants.One is typically characteristic.Fritz & Frank had a department store. One day an Argie customer asked for a certain product and Fritz answered." Oh,that's on the third floor, area 3 section B .and when the customer got up there Frank told hm, "Oh,we're out of that product but--Que organizacion,eh!.
Will this ever change or do they really like it that way too much? Your guess is as good as mine.
Back in the early '80s during my first decade in Argentina I used to complain a lot to the Argies about how disorganized everything was and how disinterested they seemed to be in correcting that situation for their own benefit.Their answer many times was that ,Yes the country was a "quilombo-- a mad house" but "un quilombo lindo---a pretty mad house".. It was difficult for me to believe that it was the way they liked and wanted it.but I took their word for it.Incidentally,the word "quilombo" is (I believe) of Braziian origin and meant the slave quarters where the African slaves lived which was many times noisy due to a lot of music etc. As time went on I began to understand that they really revelled in this aspect of their personality known in Spanish as"indomito" or undisciplined characterized by the exp<b></b>ression," Que se joda el siguiente" ----"Screw the next guy".
They even used to mock what they thought was super organization in the old Fritz and Frank jokes about 2 German immigrants.One is typically characteristic.Fritz & Frank had a department store. One day an Argie customer asked for a certain product and Fritz answered." Oh,that's on the third floor, area 3 section B .and when the customer got up there Frank told hm, "Oh,we're out of that product but--Que organizacion,eh!.
Will this ever change or do they really like it that way too much? Your guess is as good as mine.
I think Fritz and Frank moved to Chile.
I am pretty sure everyone has already heard of this line - "There are four kinds of countries in the world: developed countries, undeveloped countries, Japan and Argentina".

By Nobel laureate Simon Kuznets.
I am pretty sure everyone has already heard of this line - "There are four kinds of countries in the world: developed countries, undeveloped countries, Japan and Argentina".

By Nobel laureate Simon Kuznets.

And now there are only three as several countries have managed to copy the Japanese growth model (South Korea, Taiwan, etc)
I have been coming to Argentina for 35 years and moved here permanently two years ago. I have family here. The general consensus in regard to your inquiry is that the Argentine people have been beaten down for so long by all of the different governments that they have lost faith that real changes will ever come. They do however, dream!
They could add Venezuela to that list. I don't know many countries where an extremely incompetent leadership could be so destructive.

Should Trump actually win you may be adding the USA to that list in a few years time. How the Republicans have allowed a man so unqualified to be president get this far I don`t know. At least some of the presidents from crazier backgrounds (ie Reagan-R, Carter-D) had experience as governors, Carter was a senator as well so at least they had some experience with the system prior to becoming president.
Some very interesting answers.
bobsnowpuupy: I don't mean anything personal by this but I have been here for almost 38 years straight.I have lived thru the military gov't,Alfonsin,Menem,De la Rua,the Kirchners and now Macri. I am sorry but I do not see how any gov't but the military one actually "beat down" on the Argentine people.so that" they lost faith that change would ever come" This type of change must come from within the people themselves not from the gov't.
I see it as bottom up not top down.They have had ample opportunity during the democratic gov'ts do do this but have not yet. Maybe Macri's gov't could be the start of something new here called "participative democracy".instead of the old "no te metas".
Should Trump actually win you may be adding the USA to that list in a few years time. How the Republicans have allowed a man so unqualified to be president get this far I don`t know. At least some of the presidents from crazier backgrounds (ie Reagan-R, Carter-D) had experience as governors, Carter was a senator as well so at least they had some experience with the system prior to becoming president.

Reagan on immigration

Should Trump actually win you may be adding the USA to that list in a few years time. How the Republicans have allowed a man so unqualified to be president get this far I don`t know. At least some of the presidents from crazier backgrounds (ie Reagan-R, Carter-D) had experience as governors, Carter was a senator as well so at least they had some experience with the system prior to becoming president.

Could he be worse than BUSH?