So generous of you to allow me to maintain my own opinion there pauper - and yes, I still maintain that the immigration we are talking about here is contrary to Australian law and that its an expense that every Australian taxpayer has to pay (and overall is NOT in the national interest) - and at a time when there isn't enough money to look after the people of Australia first who actually need it - the elderly, the old aged pensioners who are marginalised and forgotten about to the point where they simply have to struggle on as best as they can buying dog and cat food to eat, working out each fortnight whether their hopelessly inadequate pension should be used to buy ''medicine a'' or ''medicine b'' and so on...
Lets not even talk about the Australian families themselves who are struggling - who are homeless and the system isn't catering for them - many of them resorting to sleeping in cars or the worst kind of accommodation you can think of...
Oh - and lets not talk about the long term unemployed or the government health system that is literally falling apart because it cannot cope with all the additional demands now being placed on it - or the education system - or the expense of rebuilding the occasional $150 million dollar accommodation/detention centres these illegals destroy/burn to the ground every time they have a violent riot...
I must laugh a little bit at the idea that Australia has a burden it is ''expected to shoulder'' - and the idea that we are somehow not pulling our weight - you obviously have strange ideas about what the FIRST responsibility of a government is - i.e. looking after its OWN PEOPLE first...
It is a bit of an ''xtian-ism'' but I do like the expression ''charity begins at home''...
WHEN a government is not even managing to look after its OWN people properly what on EARTH makes you think you (or anyone else) has the right to expect them to bring thousands of more bodies in ???
However - when retards like ''ndcj'' (whatever the hell that stands for) can do no more than sink to their natural level of name calling and insults (a tactic typical of the left but not impossible to find coming from the right either on occasion) its obvious that in a very real sense the ''prosecution knows it doesn't have the facts, knows it doesn't have the alibi/motive so has only one last resort - to bang loudly on the table'' lol
The quandary of course is that this is a virtual discussion - so without the presence of a table to bang on we needs must resort to name calling...
I always love to see how predictable it is that when ANYONE who happens to be caucasian expresses a point of view that demonstrates a healthy self-interest and interest in the welfare of the country he came from he is IMMEDIATELY a ''hater'', a ''racist'', a ''bigot'' and of course, lets not forget a ''xenophone''... lol
Of course when ANY other racial group/minority expresses the SAME it is their *right*
lol Ah - the utter hypocrisy of it all... Not that I would expect many people on this thread to see that there is perhaps a little bit of a double standard being applied...
Sad really - but I will concede that for those of shall we say a less than strong character and belief in their own ideas and values its a tactic that will *usually* make them - the sheeple majority - cave and submit...
Well - I'm glad I have that part Irish stubborn streak - I don't particularly like the globalist/multiculturalist/new world order types or their agenda - and for the moment at least I have a right (for the moment anyway) to feel that way and to even express it...
So - thats my two pesos for the day - you're free to think as you will - I am free to think as I will - and in a democracy it would be nice to think that I can exercise that right as the other side can (without incessant name calling and abuse)...
Then again - its as I said earlier on - those who have the facts on their side tend to focus more on that - those who have precious little more than the popularist media-moulded and shaped majority (programmed) 'opinion' and values and ideology will resort to the only thing they can when confronted with uncomfortable facts that don't fit their world view - the lowest level of knee jerk reaction there is...
So - there you go - time to finish lunch I think... I think food tastes better when you know that you have actually worked for it and paid for it yourself...
BTW - somewhere earlier on somebody mentioned the fact that I had offered no solution to the problem - well - actually - the solution is already being implemented - Australia gives MILLIONS in foreign aid to underdeveloped countries and sponsors/implements programs in agriculture/training/medical/various things - we do it all the time...
The solution (to me) is actually EXTREMELY simple - do what you can (what you can AFFORD to do) to help those people in Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever it is - but without ALSO then deciding to IMPORT Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever lock, stock and barrel INTO AUSTRALIA - by all means do what can be done to help these people get their own lives and own countries back on track - but WITHOUT destroying your own in the process...
So - there you have it - thats my opinion - agree, disagree, ignore or applaud - or a little of each if you will - but do me the courtesy of allowing me to see things as I see them - without pathetically immature name calling and the use of already done to death cliched hackneyed leftist buzzword insults that have absolutely no meaning to me anyway - because I choose (ah, there you have it again - the concept of free will/thinking and so on) to not give these words or labels any more meaning than they deserve - and that is less than nothing anyway...
Okay - the last half of lunch is getting cold - back to my lady's amazing pasta and another excellent (and cheap) bottle of the local red...
I have to admit it - in the short time I have been here I have come to love a lot of things about Argentina and its people - the country has its own unique character and appeal - and I hope it will manage to keep it in the years ahead - something I fear Australia will not manage to do...
Lets not even talk about the Australian families themselves who are struggling - who are homeless and the system isn't catering for them - many of them resorting to sleeping in cars or the worst kind of accommodation you can think of...
Oh - and lets not talk about the long term unemployed or the government health system that is literally falling apart because it cannot cope with all the additional demands now being placed on it - or the education system - or the expense of rebuilding the occasional $150 million dollar accommodation/detention centres these illegals destroy/burn to the ground every time they have a violent riot...
I must laugh a little bit at the idea that Australia has a burden it is ''expected to shoulder'' - and the idea that we are somehow not pulling our weight - you obviously have strange ideas about what the FIRST responsibility of a government is - i.e. looking after its OWN PEOPLE first...
It is a bit of an ''xtian-ism'' but I do like the expression ''charity begins at home''...
WHEN a government is not even managing to look after its OWN people properly what on EARTH makes you think you (or anyone else) has the right to expect them to bring thousands of more bodies in ???
However - when retards like ''ndcj'' (whatever the hell that stands for) can do no more than sink to their natural level of name calling and insults (a tactic typical of the left but not impossible to find coming from the right either on occasion) its obvious that in a very real sense the ''prosecution knows it doesn't have the facts, knows it doesn't have the alibi/motive so has only one last resort - to bang loudly on the table'' lol
The quandary of course is that this is a virtual discussion - so without the presence of a table to bang on we needs must resort to name calling...
I always love to see how predictable it is that when ANYONE who happens to be caucasian expresses a point of view that demonstrates a healthy self-interest and interest in the welfare of the country he came from he is IMMEDIATELY a ''hater'', a ''racist'', a ''bigot'' and of course, lets not forget a ''xenophone''... lol
Of course when ANY other racial group/minority expresses the SAME it is their *right*
Sad really - but I will concede that for those of shall we say a less than strong character and belief in their own ideas and values its a tactic that will *usually* make them - the sheeple majority - cave and submit...
Well - I'm glad I have that part Irish stubborn streak - I don't particularly like the globalist/multiculturalist/new world order types or their agenda - and for the moment at least I have a right (for the moment anyway) to feel that way and to even express it...
So - thats my two pesos for the day - you're free to think as you will - I am free to think as I will - and in a democracy it would be nice to think that I can exercise that right as the other side can (without incessant name calling and abuse)...
Then again - its as I said earlier on - those who have the facts on their side tend to focus more on that - those who have precious little more than the popularist media-moulded and shaped majority (programmed) 'opinion' and values and ideology will resort to the only thing they can when confronted with uncomfortable facts that don't fit their world view - the lowest level of knee jerk reaction there is...
So - there you go - time to finish lunch I think... I think food tastes better when you know that you have actually worked for it and paid for it yourself...
BTW - somewhere earlier on somebody mentioned the fact that I had offered no solution to the problem - well - actually - the solution is already being implemented - Australia gives MILLIONS in foreign aid to underdeveloped countries and sponsors/implements programs in agriculture/training/medical/various things - we do it all the time...
The solution (to me) is actually EXTREMELY simple - do what you can (what you can AFFORD to do) to help those people in Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever it is - but without ALSO then deciding to IMPORT Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever lock, stock and barrel INTO AUSTRALIA - by all means do what can be done to help these people get their own lives and own countries back on track - but WITHOUT destroying your own in the process...
So - there you have it - thats my opinion - agree, disagree, ignore or applaud - or a little of each if you will - but do me the courtesy of allowing me to see things as I see them - without pathetically immature name calling and the use of already done to death cliched hackneyed leftist buzzword insults that have absolutely no meaning to me anyway - because I choose (ah, there you have it again - the concept of free will/thinking and so on) to not give these words or labels any more meaning than they deserve - and that is less than nothing anyway...
Okay - the last half of lunch is getting cold - back to my lady's amazing pasta and another excellent (and cheap) bottle of the local red...
I have to admit it - in the short time I have been here I have come to love a lot of things about Argentina and its people - the country has its own unique character and appeal - and I hope it will manage to keep it in the years ahead - something I fear Australia will not manage to do...