Amusing really
Defining illegal in terms of immigration is pretty easy in the Australian context - you have the average Brit or European who goes through official channels and often waits years to get all the legit paperwork done and then moves to Australia and then you have the other sort who turn up on boats run by the people smugglers and land in Australia ILLEGALLY - based on the definition that under Australian law what they are doing IS illegal. I would have thought that this was pretty much a ''no brainer''...
As to whether white European settlement of Australia back in 1788 occurred in a ''bad'' way, a ''good'' way or somewhere in-between - I guess my original point still stands - we can't do much about what happened 200 years ago but we sure as hell CAN do something about the queue jumping law breaking individuals who make a make a mockery of Australia and its people and land on our shores uninvited, without authorization or permission, without the usual legitimate immigration processes, criminal and health checks and so on - posing very real security threats, health and quarantine threats and various other problems...
On top of all this there is the COST involved - these criminals cost us MILLIONS and that is money that will no longer go to the people who are ENTITLED to it...
I see my own mother who is now 80 struggling to pay for medicines - and she (like my father who is now deceased) WORKED in Australia for over 50 years and CONTRIBUTED to the economy and PAID TAXES - she struggles (like MANY old age pensioners in Australia do nowadays) to make ends meet while ''OUR'' government hands out MILLIONS in foreign aid to other countries and MILLIONS to illegal immigrants who probably laugh all the way to the bank...
A good friend of mine is a doctor and whilst the controlled media reports very little of what is going on - the real problems and issues that come from uncontrolled illegal immigration - I've had a few chats with him (he does a lot of international volunteer work) and he went through the list with me of diseases/conditions that have started reappearing in Australia over the last few years - in some cases diseases we had thought were eradicated 70 or 80 years ago - and the most recent cases in Australia of ''Australians'' (people of islamic background who now have Australian passports) who have been caught ''just in time'' by ASIO/other security services in the planning/preparation stage of terrorist attacks on Australian soil have been documented/publicized...
As for the ''new under class'' - now THERE is a joke - these individuals get to Australia, don't work, live off unemployment benefits and child support which WE (i.e. the taxpayers) pay for - and in their spare time (which they have plenty of) start planning their first terrorist attacks against us ''infidels''...
NATURALLY - when you are PERMANENTLY on unemployment benefits you DON'T pay taxes, you get EVERYTHING subsidized and in NO WAY do you contribute to the Australian economy...
The MOST recently publicized case of a major islamic terror attack that was well advanced in terms of planning/preparation was ''master minded'' if (I can use the term for an individual like this) by an islamic terrorist with an Australian passport who had been in Australia for 19 years, NEVER worked a day in this time, remained on UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS the whole time and received child support and every other type of welfare payment he could get his hands on - talking about ''biting the hand that feeds you''...
Re: The illegal immigrants: MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars are spent to give them 5 star accommodation, free meals and medical treatment, internet, free phone calls home, the works - they riot and burn down the facilities and yet again, the taxpayer pays for it...
When they do succeed in getting citizenship they are given every form of financial aid imaginable - and every advantage that real Australians are NEVER given...
Try applying for a job in Australia nowadays (unless you have highly specialized skills) if you are a member of the REAL new under class (i.e. being a white Caucasian male) and see how well you go when every government department has now got its quota system and ''positive discrimination'' and has to employ on the basis of ethnicity/gender/other criteria rather than on the basis of merit (not that they will ever publicly admit it
Its obvious you've never lived in Australia - or if you have, it must have been a very different part of the country to where I lived
BTW - I'm not ''enraged'' at the use of the term ''illegal wars'' - I actually used it myself when quoting the OP earlier in this thread - my position on war was made crystal clear - if someone is attacking you or is about to you go to war - other than that you keep out of other people's affairs and don't go rushing off to places like Iraq or Afghanistan which posed no direct military threat to Australia...
Just a few thoughts from someone who lived in Australia for most of his life and actually KNOWS what he is talking about
As to whether white European settlement of Australia back in 1788 occurred in a ''bad'' way, a ''good'' way or somewhere in-between - I guess my original point still stands - we can't do much about what happened 200 years ago but we sure as hell CAN do something about the queue jumping law breaking individuals who make a make a mockery of Australia and its people and land on our shores uninvited, without authorization or permission, without the usual legitimate immigration processes, criminal and health checks and so on - posing very real security threats, health and quarantine threats and various other problems...
On top of all this there is the COST involved - these criminals cost us MILLIONS and that is money that will no longer go to the people who are ENTITLED to it...
I see my own mother who is now 80 struggling to pay for medicines - and she (like my father who is now deceased) WORKED in Australia for over 50 years and CONTRIBUTED to the economy and PAID TAXES - she struggles (like MANY old age pensioners in Australia do nowadays) to make ends meet while ''OUR'' government hands out MILLIONS in foreign aid to other countries and MILLIONS to illegal immigrants who probably laugh all the way to the bank...
A good friend of mine is a doctor and whilst the controlled media reports very little of what is going on - the real problems and issues that come from uncontrolled illegal immigration - I've had a few chats with him (he does a lot of international volunteer work) and he went through the list with me of diseases/conditions that have started reappearing in Australia over the last few years - in some cases diseases we had thought were eradicated 70 or 80 years ago - and the most recent cases in Australia of ''Australians'' (people of islamic background who now have Australian passports) who have been caught ''just in time'' by ASIO/other security services in the planning/preparation stage of terrorist attacks on Australian soil have been documented/publicized...
As for the ''new under class'' - now THERE is a joke - these individuals get to Australia, don't work, live off unemployment benefits and child support which WE (i.e. the taxpayers) pay for - and in their spare time (which they have plenty of) start planning their first terrorist attacks against us ''infidels''...
NATURALLY - when you are PERMANENTLY on unemployment benefits you DON'T pay taxes, you get EVERYTHING subsidized and in NO WAY do you contribute to the Australian economy...
The MOST recently publicized case of a major islamic terror attack that was well advanced in terms of planning/preparation was ''master minded'' if (I can use the term for an individual like this) by an islamic terrorist with an Australian passport who had been in Australia for 19 years, NEVER worked a day in this time, remained on UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS the whole time and received child support and every other type of welfare payment he could get his hands on - talking about ''biting the hand that feeds you''...
Re: The illegal immigrants: MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars are spent to give them 5 star accommodation, free meals and medical treatment, internet, free phone calls home, the works - they riot and burn down the facilities and yet again, the taxpayer pays for it...
When they do succeed in getting citizenship they are given every form of financial aid imaginable - and every advantage that real Australians are NEVER given...
Try applying for a job in Australia nowadays (unless you have highly specialized skills) if you are a member of the REAL new under class (i.e. being a white Caucasian male) and see how well you go when every government department has now got its quota system and ''positive discrimination'' and has to employ on the basis of ethnicity/gender/other criteria rather than on the basis of merit (not that they will ever publicly admit it
Its obvious you've never lived in Australia - or if you have, it must have been a very different part of the country to where I lived
BTW - I'm not ''enraged'' at the use of the term ''illegal wars'' - I actually used it myself when quoting the OP earlier in this thread - my position on war was made crystal clear - if someone is attacking you or is about to you go to war - other than that you keep out of other people's affairs and don't go rushing off to places like Iraq or Afghanistan which posed no direct military threat to Australia...
Just a few thoughts from someone who lived in Australia for most of his life and actually KNOWS what he is talking about