A coffee for $3.50: Argentina is the most expensive country in Latin America

What, Milei worry? Our future Nobel Laureate said the dollar could go to $600, so let's make that coffee $7.00
Fantastic! Time to finally take advantage of coffee arbitrage, let see....

10 oz. cup of coffee brew = $7.00
13 coffee cups = 1 gallon
1 gallon of coffee brew = 1 pound of coffee beans
1 pound of coffee beans = $10.00

Retail sales: 13 coffees = $91.00
Wholesale cost: 1 pound of beans = $10.00

Price of a new car = $25,000
New car = 275 pounds of coffee
275 pounds of coffee = $2,750

Get yourself a little churro cart, the time to sell coffee on the street is NOW!
What, Milei worry? Our future Nobel Laureate said the dollar could go to $600, so let's make that coffee $7.00
It's pretty clear now that we're in election mode, the economy is on autopilot, the cepo will continue until after the elections, anyone in government who takes even the slightest step out of line will be guillotined, along with their children and families. I sense rabbit-caught-in-headlights type panic.
It's pretty clear now that we're in election mode, the economy is on autopilot, the cepo will continue until after the elections, anyone in government who takes even the slightest step out of line will be guillotined, along with their children and families. I sense rabbit-caught-in-headlights type panic.
In one moment bill will need to be paid. Milei promised suffering of the masses, but after December 2023 nothing much happened, suffering was mild at best. Probably they need elections, winning one of course, to proceed with the plan. My opinion is, it will be ugly, whatever course they will take. Probably needed, what do I know, but it won't be pretty...
It's pretty clear now that we're in election mode, the economy is on autopilot, the cepo will continue until after the elections, anyone in government who takes even the slightest step out of line will be guillotined, along with their children and families. I sense rabbit-caught-in-headlights type panic.
Milei has lost it this week.
Left Argentina a week ago. Landed in London and first thing I’ve realised was how cheap London is compared to BsAs and how convenient it is as in easy to commute from the airport, access to decent and inexpensive variety of foods.
How much is a cafe doble in La Biela? Could someone post a photo of the cafeteria (coffee, tea, medialunas etc) menu from La Biela?