A Less Corrupt Argentina?

The problem with a "war on corruption" is you never know when to bribe. Your bribe may be expected and work or you could go to jail. During that war there are no rules and the little guy gets caught up.
Your bribe not expected,not working and you going to jail was and still is a real possibility in Chile.
In Argentina there has always been a much more flexible interpretation of bribery.
Usually known as "el diego" for diez or 10%.Old habits die slowly but we might see some improvement as the local economy improves.
Well, i was today on a criminal interrogation for attempt of bribery so, I m not so sure about that Noesdeayer.

The foreigner who attempted to bribe had to escape to Australia and now there is a red flag at Interpol.

The time in jail if he is found guilty is between 1 up to 6 years of jail.

(He escaped not because of this case, instead, to avoid the finger prints to be taken because seems he had more serious criminal inconveniences I cannot disclosure) (he was not my client).
An example: I was driving in Ecuador and got caught in a speed trap. I don't think I was speeding but doesn't matter. The cop said I was doing 110 in 100 zone. We argued for a while. He had my drivers license and car papers. Said I had to go to the bank and pay $150US. After maybe a half an hour of back and forth I started playing with about $10US worth of coins. He looked at the coins and, with a look of disgust, he said that would work. I gave it to him and was on my way. Had I known the rules, I would have given him $5US when he pulled me over and would have been on my way like all of the Ecuadorians that had been stopped. In California in the 60's (maybe 50's), one day you could bribe a Highway Patrolman and the next day, if you tried, you went before a judge. It's the limbo time I'm complaining about. I can go either way but want to know which way to go.

Well, to pay the fine is always better. As soon as they see you prefer to pay, they give up. Many times they don´t even do the fine for fear that you talk about that with the judge.
Well, this war at Court between the officialism and the former President can be very helpful against corruption because they might destroy each other.

I deal with almost 30 federal judges and only one asked me for bribes so the amount of corrupt public officers is not so high. You don´t need to send to jail a lot of people to improve the situation a lot.

Maybe they know you don't have any money... because if you did you would not be looking for work here.
A) 100% agression? I didn't expect you could fall even lower, you can;
B ) i don't.

Low...LOL Your queen of going to jail soon hopefully she broke some international laws and locked up in USA for the rest of here life.


As far as your bribes.. common we all know your broke your the only lawyer in Argentina looking for work on expats forums.
Right, the more they investigate the K money route, the more they find about the President and his staff corruption evidence.

Wait and see.