A new U.S. Ambassador

John Doe

Jun 24, 2016
POTUS Donald (MAGA) Trump has nominated Edward Prado to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Argentina..He is a Circuit Judge from Tex ass.
MAGA means make America great again, not make Argentina great again. Argentina? Never was, never will be..
MAGA means make America great again, not make Argentina great again. Argentina? Never was, never will be..

Rather depends on your definition of "never." In the years leading up to 1914 its average GDP was growing by 6% pa the fastest the world. In 1914 the country ranked among the ten richest in the world, after the likes of Australia, Britain and the United States, but ahead of France, Germany and Italy. Its income per head was 92% of the average of 16 rich economies. (source: The Economist) Never?
Rather depends on your definition of "never." In the years leading up to 1914 its average GDP was growing by 6% pa the fastest the world. In 1914 the country ranked among the ten richest in the world, after the likes of Australia, Britain and the United States, but ahead of France, Germany and Italy. Its income per head was 92% of the average of 16 rich economies. (source: The Economist) Never?
MMMMMM I'm sure at one point it was, but i have to tell you, in 1914 nobody was rich in Argentina other than a hand full of people(source, my grandma born in 1896)
MMMMMM I'm sure at one point it was, but i have to tell you, in 1914 nobody was rich in Argentina other than a hand full of people(source, my grandma born in 1896)

Plus ça change, eh? Yesterday Time Magazine was writing about income inequality in the USA in the Gilded Age and Today (http://time.com/5122375/american-inequality-gilded-age) and took 1897 as their base line so I guess the same sort of thing was happening all over the "rich" world in those days.

I only saw that article this morning: at around the same time that Wikipedia was telling me that current income inequality in Argentina only differs from that in the USA by 0.7 percentage points with the UK trailing not that far behind. My gut feeling would have been that the UK was much worse than it appears to be. Oh well...
Well you don’t need Wikipedia to see that Argentina was once a great wealth, just take a look at some of the establishments in Recoleta from it’s hey day. The elegance of many of these buildings from that time rivals many in Europe’s finest capitals. Also I think the general ‘joie de vivre’ that argentines have comes from remembering the good ol days.
Trump can find Argentina on a globe map.
POTUS Donald (MAGA) Trump has nominated Edward Prado to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Argentina..He is a Circuit Judge from Tex ass.
MAGA means make America great again, not make Argentina great again. Argentina? Never was, never will be..

I would differ with that Argentina was once great and about century ago it was neck and neck with the US. All you have to look at the quality of the older house and buildings. I see a lot of them here up and there must have been something great going about a 100 years because those old houses show it plain as day.
