a question for canadian expats.


Aug 17, 2012
I am canadian. My girlfriend is from here.I want to bring her and her daughter to canada but from what I hear is that it will be very hard for her to even visit canada nevermind stay. Can anyone give me any advice? Why so hard for an Argentine to come to canada? Any loophholes to make it easier for her to come and stay?
I welcome any advice and thank anyone who offers it.
I didn't know it was so hard... considering the newspapers are filled with stories about how we need more immigrants. And are you should she can't visit on a tourist visa?

In Quebec, there is a program for international students. Basically, if your girlfriend does a degree at a QC university, she will be able to stay afterwards (provided she either take a French course or pass a French test, about intermediate level). After that, she would be free to move to another province.

I recently looked into this for my Argentinian friend. He is planning to do a degree in Hispanic Studies at McGill or UdM-- the language of instruction is Spanish-- and to then apply for permanent residency/citizenship. It didn't seem too difficult, but of course, he has to be accepted into the program.
Hi - my gf is from Argentina, and I am Canadian, and she has visited twice with absolutely no problems. She just has to apply and get the visa –*that's it.

There are no crazy restrictions. What have you heard?
PM me if you have any questions.

liam1971 said:
I am canadian. My girlfriend is from here.I want to bring her and her daughter to canada but from what I hear is that it will be very hard for her to even visit canada nevermind stay. Can anyone give me any advice? Why so hard for an Argentine to come to canada? Any loophholes to make it easier for her to come and stay?
I welcome any advice and thank anyone who offers it.
Huxley1234 said:
Hi - my gf is from Argentina, and I am Canadian, and she has visited twice with absolutely no problems. She just has to apply and get the visa –*that's it.

There are no crazy restrictions. What have you heard?
PM me if you have any questions.
could it be any different because she has a daughter?
Why donn´t you go straight to the canadian consulate here in ba and ask them, nobody will give a more precise answer.
Good luck henry
My girlfriend is Argentine, I am Australian and when I was working up in Canada last year, my girlfriend got a tourist visa and came and visited for a cpl of months. She got the visa no worries (6 month tourist from memory) with little issues. I did a lot of reading to before hand to make sure we were properly prepared. Henry makes a good point, why dont you swing by the consulate if you are here and see if they can provide you some info. We had all the paperwork in order but there was no interview or anything overly complicated.
HenryNisental said:
Why donn´t you go straight to the canadian consulate here in ba and ask them, nobody will give a more precise answer.
Good luck henry

Don't bother going to the cOnsulate -- they will just tell you that all the info is on the website. And it pretty much is. There is a new office for just the visa section of the embassy that is located on LM Campos at Olleros
- look on the embassy website for exact address. They are more willing to help and will even help fill out forms
If you want her to come permanently you will have to sponsor her. Even if you are married you need to document your entire relationship. If yours is a legitimate relationship the process is not difficult, just very long. For my husband to get his perm res it was 10 months and that was cOnsidered quick. Our file was a couple of inches thick. You would be sponsoring 2 people so the income considerations are quite high. For one person it was about $29,000
but every year it changes you will find current figures on CIC site. You need to
Read all info for sponsoring family. Sorry i'll write more later but on iPhone it's a pain