mini said:
Here's my problem: If no one saves how do they get together the money to buy an apartment?
Well, there is a cultural misunderstanding. We work for living but we don´t like to live for working. That´s why you see cafes open until very late 7x7.
Enjoy life doesn´t mean to do not save money, otherwise how do people buy real state cash. In fact, as far as I know the US crisis is all about buying property with mortgages or about a second mortgage or about to puting on 15 credit cards and so on. So, I don`t understand why this assert about people spending like this is the end of the world. People spend
compulsively in the US. As far as we don`t spend money in 500 pair shoes as my former us girlfriend did, we can spend some money in going out and save money.
We save money "under the matress", this means we keep money at home.
But there is a fact, we have survive several crisis so we have this expertize you should learn about. I have seen "gurus" saying a lot of bullshit at US tv because they have no idea how to deal with crisis. They said the crisis is over, in my experience this is just beggining.
Well, the genius there are printing money. Good luck, this produce inflation and hiper inflation. We have wide experience about that.
The genius have several very expensive wars.
The iluminated are printing money for bank ceo bonus instead of investing on public infraestructure (Keynes, do you remember him, the creator of the new deal that saved the US from the big depresion, he is followed in south america and guess what, we have no crisis....predictable).
The solution is simple, stop spending money you don`t have. Stop this bullship about free market and protect your industry. Legallize the immigrants so they start paying taxes. If they legallize drugs, better, they spend too much money being high that don`t pay taxes. With some of this simple solution the crisis will be over.
We can buy real state cash because we have public healh or union health, public education and working compensation and a public retirement system. One of the major reazons for bunkrupcy in the US are medic and university expenditures.
Of course, arrogancy is probably the worst obstacle they have to solve this crisis.
And I think that this is not a crisis, this is the arise of Chine and south america and the decadency of the US. But this are my personal thought, let´s give some time and see. Meanwhile, as argentinian, I am studying mandarin chinese.