Accutane in Argentina?


Sep 21, 2012
I was wondering if anyone knew if you could buy Accutane here in Argentina without a prescription?
No, you need a prescription because they will only prescribe it to you if you do a blood test. BUT you might be willing to find a pharmacy that will sell it to you illegally, use your accent and bring your US script with you.
If you are staying here for a while, you should just go to a doctor at a public hospital or a private one like Hospital Aleman. It is much cheaper here than in the US, so it is worth the doctor´s fees.
On a side note, I was prescribed it twice but never took it--scared the shit out of me. I also have friends who took it and all of them wound up doing two cycles, though they try to sell you on the "cure" aspect of it.
How much do you think it would cost to get a doc to give me a prescription? Do I just walk into a public hospital and ask for a doc? Or do I tell them I have something wrong with my skin? I have no idea how I would go about doing that...

I had a bunch of friends who took it and have never had any problems afterwards with Acne...
Accutane is a very powerful and for many, including me, a very effective drug. However, it can have serious side effects and can cause lasting liver damage if you don't do regular blood tests during your use. Bottom line it's not a drug to be taken casually just because you have some acne. It's meant for people who have serious cystic acne. I wouldn't take it without being under an experienced doctor's care and monitoring.
Accutane is about the only really effective thing for persistent acne. And it's worth taking before the acne progresses. Accutane seems to shut down acne for 7 or 8 years at least. So people who take a second or third course, do so after a long gap.

About the cost, my experience is that if a generic is available - most likely - it will be much cheaper than a generic in the US. Ask around in several small local pharmacies - prices of meds vary very widely. Don't be put off by some outrageous quote that you get from a random pharmacy. If you PM me I'll tell you which pharmacies I go to that save me a lot of money.

Before taking accutane, you'll need a doctor's prescription for the initial baseline blood test.

In BA, you can get the blood tests done at any place you choose, so pick some test place convenient to where you live. IADT is among the best.

I can give you the contact info for several dermatologists here. I would go to a dermatologist you like/trust to manage the treatment because the dose has to be adjusted to not make the skin-drying intolerable. It's a bit like needing a good coach to get you through the treatment. It needs to be as strong as your skin will tolerate. The dermatologist will read the periodic blood test results also, which is essential.
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