Additional container of household items after many years?


Nov 28, 2022
Hello! I have been an expat in Argentina for 21 years. I am considering selling my house in the states and would like to know if it is true that I can bring another container of household goods. A friend once told me we have the right every 8 years. Have any of you done that, or know for sure?
Hello! I have been an expat in Argentina for 21 years. I am considering selling my house in the states and would like to know if it is true that I can bring another container of household goods.....
Resolución General 3109
Bienes de extranjeros que obtengan residencia permanente en la República Argentina y de argentinos que retornan para residir en el país. Ley Nº 25.871 y su modificación. Decreto Nº 616/10. Implementación. Bs. As., 9/5/2011....

....A friend once told me we have the right every 8 years. Have any of you done that, or know for sure?
....Art. 12 — Los sujetos podrán acogerse a estos beneficios una vez cada SIETE (7) años, contados desde la fecha de emisión del acto administrativo por el que hayan sido acordados....

I did it in 2005 as an ARG citizen returning to live here. The law applicable at that time was much simpler.
Hello! I have been an expat in Argentina for 21 years. I am considering selling my house in the states and would like to know if it is true that I can bring another container of household goods. A friend once told me we have the right every 8 years. Have any of you done that, or know for sure?
If I understand correctly, the answer is yes, you can, provided that you have permanent residency and you live outside of Argentin for a least a year (perhaps two) before the container arrives in Argentina.

I hope it isn't at least two years because, at the two year point you might lose your permanent residency unless you are allowed to set foot on Argetntine soil once during the two year period and that does not reset the clock for the time requred to be out of the country.

The "right" to bring household goods into the country duty free applies to returning permanent residents and citizens and it appears that it can be done once every seven years, provided they have stayed out of the country for the required lenght of time (and perhaps not reentered even once?).

So, if you are willing to stay out of the country long enough (while you sell your house and have the goods you want packed into the container and possibly placed into storage while you run out the clock), it looks like you should be able to do it.
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