Affordable Clothes Shopping - Women


Jun 5, 2010

Where can I find some stylish, yet not overly expensive, clothes in BA?

Av. Santa Fe in Recoleta. Between Callao and 9 de Julio.
Check the galleries for the best bargains.
This is what some argentinas recommended to me.

As this article says, you need to go on Friday or Saturdays BEFORE 2 when they sell to minoristas, or people not buying in bulk. I went later on a different day once, and no one would sell to me because they were only selling to wholesalers then...and there was no one else in the store at the time. The area with the shops is between Concordia and Nazca, but this author says there are side streets (Concordia, Campana, Argerich, Helguera 400-600) and the parallel street Aranguren also have lots of clothing stores, though I have not checked out that area. Besides coming at the right time to buy "por menor," I would definitely do this trip early day and morning because you probably do not want to find yourself in Flores after dark, just sayin'. It's not the worst part of town, but it is not the best either.

Also check out all the OUTLET stores, clearly labeled OUTLET for the name brands on the streets Cordoba and Aguirre in the 4000s range (between Godoy Cruz and Scalibrini Ortiz). This site has a nice map of your "zona de ataque" for a long day of shopping if you scroll down to the bottom:

Avenida Avellaneda
La Av. Avellaneda es la calle de la ropa, a lo largo de diez cuadras nos encontramos con locales de bijou y ropa para todas las edades a precios realmente baratos, es decir a precios de fábrica. Las cosas cuestan la mitad que en los negocios, por eso allí es dónde compran ropa muchos de los dueños de locales de ropa del barrio....

Los locales estan en la Av. Avellaneda y en las calles vecinas como Concordia, Campana, Argerich, Helguera entre las alturas 400-600 y la paralela a Avellaneda que es Aranguren.

En la zona el tránsito es muy pesado y es muy dificil encontrar un lugar para estaiconar el auto, así que lo mejor si se llega con auto es dejarlo en un estacionamiento, o bien usar el transporte público.

Para comprar por mayor es recomendable ir después del mediodía, momento de ofertas del día. Los viernes y sábados son los días para clientes minoristas, atienden hasta las 14hs.

En líneas generales:

Para comprar ropa para jóvenes y adolescentes ir a la calle Helguera, entre Aranguren y Bogotá.

Para comprar ropa de bebés, ir a Avellaneda, entre el 3200 y el 3300, y sobre Aranguren al 3300.

Para comprar vestidos de fiesta ir a Avellaneda al 2900.

Para comprar lenceria erótica ir a la calle Concordia.
May I assume men's clothing is sold on Avellanada as well? And what about shoes? They have it all?

My wardrobe sucks right now.

They do have men's clothes. It is hit and miss with the clothes in Avellaneda, like any massive place where you can buy a bunch of inexpensive clothes, you have to pick through some boring stuff to find the good stuff!

My boyfriend got some nice inexpensive dress pants, but the button down shirt he ended up with it is pretty lame and looks ridiculous on him because the arms are huge. The shirts are harder to try on because they come in plastic packages, but we could have asked nicely to try it on. I am not sure they have shoes, wardrobe sucks, too, maybe we should go shopping! haha!
You let me know when and where. I'll be the guy wearing the checkered leisure suit.
What I normally do, is go to Avellaneda with a small group of friends (three or four) because in most stores they won´t sell you less than a number of clothes, and in others you get a better price buying more items.