Afip, How To Receive 'family Assistance' Packages?


May 28, 2012
Sorry if this has been posted before, I`ve had a look on the forums and can't find anything.

I've heard the new AFIP restrictions of 2 package per year + taxes on the same don't apply in the case of 'family assistance'. Great, but ... does anyone know HOW the package should be sent, marked or accompanied with paperwork that will convince customs to accept it as 'family assistance'?

My relatives usually send clothes and books as presents for my daughter throughout the year. We finally figured out that the best way to receive them through the door and avoid going to Retiro was sending packages small enough to fit through the letterbox and labelled 'printed paper', but I'm guessing all has changed now.

Tips from anyone who has found a reliable source of info on 'family assistance' packages, or been able to receive them in the last few weeks would be hugely appreciated :)
This is a great topic/question

Thought I'd give it a bump in case anyone out there has additional info...
Thanks Steve. I'm guessing no-one knows the answer unfortunately ;-) but let's keep trying just in case! I'm sure there are many of us in similar situation...
Thanks, and I'll ask in the aduana when I come back from Uruguay and see if they know anything...
My suspicion is that aduana won't know, either. But it never hurts to ask so ask away. I could only come up with this article (below) about residents of Mendoza having lots of trouble picking up used clothing and toys sent to them from family members in the States. The form doesn't apply because the items are used/gifts - not purchases. And it seems neither aduana nor AFIP could give a clear answer. Hopefully at some point in the near future they will work it out because obviously many, many people receive these kinds of packages and they should not be taxed as new/purchases.

Still, you might have read about the other member who just got the latest PlayStation mailed to them without any problems. I think you just end up going to Retiro without having any idea what to expect. Never hurts to play dumb foreigner, though.


La AFIP le explicó que "su caso responde a un vacío legal y que por ser un obsequio no tiene forma de tributar", pero de todos modos no le solucionaron el conflicto con el Correo Argentino y su retiro sigue demorado.
Thanks, I strongly suspect we won't be able to get any official answer on this as the knowledge would provide such a great possible loophole for non-legit users, and we all know "hecha la ley, hecha la trampa". If anyone has personal contacts in the aduana I think that`s the only possible route for advice, I'm trying on that front too. Looking at the other current topic it`s obviously way more of a mess than it was before.
I was the one who received the XBox in Retiro this week. The people helping out front of the Correo say they do not know if a person has to pay for a gift or not (that was super helpful), but the man at aduana told us that it did not matter if it was an ordered item or a gift. He let us off because...well, to be honest, I have no idea, but we have a second box that arrived Wednesday and we are waiting to get the notification to pick it up. No idea what is going to happen with that one and maybe then I will be able to tell people if I pay there or at the central bank.
I agree with allcraz that you just end up going to Retiro to see what is up. We went with only the AFIP paper they told us to bring and got lucky. Next time, probably we will not have the same luck.
Good luck with the second box sheawj!! Let us know how you get on and if you find anything out. I'm waiting to see if I can get any off-the-record feedback from a contact in the aduana, that might prove more useful that an official reply ;-)

I was the one who received the XBox in Retiro this week. The people helping out front of the Correo say they do not know if a person has to pay for a gift or not (that was super helpful), but the man at aduana told us that it did not matter if it was an ordered item or a gift. He let us off because...well, to be honest, I have no idea, but we have a second box that arrived Wednesday and we are waiting to get the notification to pick it up. No idea what is going to happen with that one and maybe then I will be able to tell people if I pay there or at the central bank.
I agree with allcraz that you just end up going to Retiro to see what is up. We went with only the AFIP paper they told us to bring and got lucky. Next time, probably we will not have the same luck.