AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report


Jun 6, 2005
19 April 2023
The Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) announced the new amounts from which banks have to report taxpayer funds, either in the nature of administration, management or processing of assets made in the country. Through General Resolution 5348, and with the inclusion of Payment Service Providers (PSP) that offer non-bank accounts, the new amounts will allow the incorporation or elimination of the regimes referred to in Law No. 21,526....This update of the values will apply to all operations carried out as of next May 1, according to the resolution of the tax agency.

The total accumulated amount of the monthly accreditations made in checking accounts, savings accounts, salary or social security accounts and special accounts, in Argentine or foreign currency, when it is equal to or greater than $200,000, instead of $ 90,000 as stipulated before. The total accumulated amount of monthly cash withdrawals made from checking accounts, savings accounts, salary or social security accounts and special accounts, in Argentine or foreign currency, when it is equal to or greater than $ 200,000. The balances of checking accounts, savings accounts, salary or social security accounts and special accounts that, on the last business day of the reported monthly period, are equal to or greater than $200,000 for the month -in absolute values- (the balances must be considered). positive and negative amounts). The total accumulated amount of term deposits constituted in the monthly information period, when it is equal to or greater than $200,000 .

Debit card: from what amount does the AFIP investigate you? This update presented by the AFIP also includes consumption with debit cards of the holder and/or additional ones. Through subsection "f" of General Resolution 5348, the mandatory bank information will be activated from $120,000. "Consumptions with debit cards of the holder and/or additional ones -excluding the amounts of cash withdrawals and any other amount that does not imply consumption- in the country, when the accumulated amounts are equal to or greater than $120,000 per month in each account".

Likewise, financial entities will have to provide information on all these customer concepts, even when the amount is exceeded in only one of them. They must inform the amounts, as well as the list of customer accounts, in the event that the total income or expenses in the period equal or exceed $120,000, instead of $30,000, and when the balances on the last business day of the month equal or exceed $200,000, instead of $90,000, as it was until now.

Finally, the regime also applies when the type of operation, both for entry and exit (cash, bank transfer, foreign currency, digital currency) is a bank or virtual transfer, and it equals or exceeds $ 400,000.
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De esta manera, e organismo fiscal estipuló que los saldos finales mensuales iguales o superiores a $700.000 deberán ser informados.

Además, los Proveedores de Servicios de Pago (PSP), conocidos también como billeteras electrónicas, están obligados a notificar a la AFIP sobre las transferencias mensuales totales de sus clientes, siempre y cuando los ingresos o egresos mensuales sean iguales o superiores a $400.000. Para cualquier ingreso o egreso que supere los $1.400.000, el banco o la billetera electrónica debe reportar de inmediato el tipo de transferencia (bancaria o virtual), la CBU o CVU empleada, y el monto transferido en pesos.

Any transaction more than $1000 USD gets immediately reported to AFIP? Who has the time and resources to review all of this

FYI, the ingresos limits for monotributista have been substantially increased starting 8/1/24 (up to $44,000,000 annually) and the corresponding taxes are also very low in my opinion. Anyone working remotely who is sweating about AFIP regarding their bank activity should take a fair look at it in my opinion.
FYI, the ingresos limits for monotributista have been substantially increased starting 8/1/24 (up to $44,000,000 annually) and the corresponding taxes are also very low in my opinion. Anyone working remotely who is sweating about AFIP regarding their bank activity should take a fair look at it in my opinion.
Yes, my accountant moved me to a new category last month. More info here:

After an initial query from my bank earlier this year, I told my bank that basically everything that arrives in my account is declared, with the occasional exception of some Dollars that escaped from under the mattress and got transferred to my account (not many, for sure). They haven't bothered me since.
I always wonder what crosses a lawmakers mind when they put all their effort into these rules and then walk past three cuevas/cambios on their way home.
It's a complicated issue. Everybody down here wants universal healthcare, free education, jubilacion minima, subsidies on everything...but at the same time will happily tell you to your face that paying taxes are for chumps. The big joke is that all the tax evasion just floats on up as higher corporate and agricultural tax rates, which comes right back down to the consumer as higher prices on produce and products.

Now everybody is threatening to go on strike if the ganacia tax applies to their wages. Surprise, Surprise, when your union dues pay for private healthcare & pensions then your generosity for universal healthcare, retirement & education goes out the window. It's no wonder the federal government is cutting off the Provincias...
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This was written during the previous administration...are you sure that it even applies now???