After 5 Years, Lost The Right To Vote.

Right, so first I am from Alberta and left at 19. I live in Buenos Aires and I find your summary of Harper and Alberta misinformed for those people on this forum who are not Canadian. This was my aim but if you choose to take issue with 'misinformed' maybe 'lack of attention to detail which grudgingly needs pointing out' is a better proclamation.

My experience of living in Ontario, where I suspect you come from, is by far the more American in culture.

From the outside, I suppose anyone following the pedantry of a debate on Canada would liken it to lifting a rock and seeing two ants squabbling over a piece of food- nobody really gives a shit.

I believe Canada is America's hat and that's why I left. Having said that, I am more surprised than you that I would actually defend Alberta but hey, ignorance annoys me.

I now leave you to the 'wet biscuit' discussions I normally observe only from afar.



Besides a lot of general insulting - which on this forum calls to mind current Bay Area residents more than than it does Canadian expats, of whichever province - you didn't actually, you know, say anything.

You repeated "I find your summary of Harper and Alberta misinformed for those people on this forum who are not Canadian" without mentioning, um, what exactly do you find misinforming. The "debate" you discuss was in fact an attempt - futile, it seems - to take you seriously and respond as if you'd said something coherent. You said that calling Harper Albertan is misinformed and people found that bewildering. It now appears you were simply burping, so apologies for intruding at an indelicate moment.

Unless you were hoping you'd say "I know y'all are actually from Ontario" and people would gasp and say "HOW DID HE KNOW THAT? HE'S A WITCH!"
Yes, a law passed by the Mulroney government (remember him?) and unchallenged by Chretien (and Martin) is totally a sign of how Harper is shitti-izing the country.

I wasn't talking specifically about the voting, I was saying he's been a shitty PM in general. But hey, if you want to make assumptions and then
imply I'm stupid/forgetful/too young to know from said assumptions you've made, feel free too, I honestly don't care, it just makes yourself
look like a person who jumps to conclusions.

I met Mulroney once in a hotel lobby and chatted with him for a second, interesting guy, even at this age, even though I'm completely opposed to
his politics.

The riding I live in now is an interesting one, I might strategically vote in order to keep the conservative out if it ends up be tight, otherwise I'll just
return my ballot. I believe in voting, but the guy who is running for the party I normally would (begrudgingly) vote for shouldn't be in politics, so there's
I wasn't talking specifically about the voting, I was saying he's been a shitty PM in general. But hey, if you want to make assumptions and then
imply I'm stupid/forgetful/too young to know from said assumptions you've made, feel free too, I honestly don't care, it just makes yourself
look like a person who jumps to conclusions.

I met Mulroney once in a hotel lobby and chatted with him for a second, interesting guy, even at this age, even though I'm completely opposed to
his politics.

The riding I live in now is an interesting one, I might strategically vote in order to keep the conservative out if it ends up be tight, otherwise I'll just
return my ballot. I believe in voting, but the guy who is running for the party I normally would (begrudgingly) vote for shouldn't be in politics, so there's

I think you took offense at the 'remember him?' crack where none was intended. I was just saying that merely mentioning him makes you one feel old. Almost like Trudeau (whom I don't actually remember, for the record). Apologies if it came across as condescending.

But your comment did imply that this is one more thing going bad under Harper, and the fact is that nothing could be further from the truth. Again apologies if I took your argument the wrong way.

My objections to Mulroney revolve much more around his personal integrity, or lack thereof - he comes across as a Clintonesque figure in that regard - than his politics.