Hi All,
While I recently signed a 3 year lease, I'm increasingly looking at a future post Argentina as an Argentine citizen. Simply put, EVERYTHING is so expensive following the Mileiazo, and while I like Argentina (so much that I naturalized) I simply can't see a future here given how unstable and distorted the economy is, and my husband's new found willingness to move abroad.
I'm personally inclined towards Brazil, which, from what I can tell, doesn't differentiate between naturalized vs natural born Argentine citizens for the pre-Mercosur friendship treaty, plus the fact that I like Brazil makes it a compelling destination.
Maybe the wrong place to ask, but has anyone after naturalizing looked at or left Argentina for elsewhere in South America? Is anyone else considering it? I earn much less than my US peers, and pay more than them for everything from groceries to electronics, and so I need to look at some other options should things not improve.
While I recently signed a 3 year lease, I'm increasingly looking at a future post Argentina as an Argentine citizen. Simply put, EVERYTHING is so expensive following the Mileiazo, and while I like Argentina (so much that I naturalized) I simply can't see a future here given how unstable and distorted the economy is, and my husband's new found willingness to move abroad.
I'm personally inclined towards Brazil, which, from what I can tell, doesn't differentiate between naturalized vs natural born Argentine citizens for the pre-Mercosur friendship treaty, plus the fact that I like Brazil makes it a compelling destination.
Maybe the wrong place to ask, but has anyone after naturalizing looked at or left Argentina for elsewhere in South America? Is anyone else considering it? I earn much less than my US peers, and pay more than them for everything from groceries to electronics, and so I need to look at some other options should things not improve.