All Politics Is Local. And International.

There is an alarming but growing KnowNothing contingent among voters, who don't let ignorance of the facts get in the way of holding strong opinions. These people vote.

One friend called a potential Trump/Palin ticket a Democratic wet dream. But let's not forget, opinion polls are not votes. I personally think Trump will soon take a fall and get kicked by his own party (whatever that is) while he is down. I'll be enjoying every entertaining second of it.
Colbert's riff on Sarah Palin's speech pattern has to be one of the best send-ups I've seen. I wonder what her drug of choice is, besides hatred and ego-tripping.

Thanks for posting that, Camberiu. I think I'll go watch it again --
Yes indeed, but on a closer look, if one discards The Donald as the brilliant hoax, or senile stunt, he represents, the other R candidates are not actually so bad: What's SOOO wrong about Carly for instance? One could say she's not offensive enough, but she proved us all wrong with her still-birth baby video references. Other than that, she would have been perfect, and much like Junior, a uniter across the aisles! I am not being ironic.

Matt, I've never heard anyone say that Fiorina isn't offensive enough -- or just plain mean enough --
I wish this thread could be in the hot topics on the forum's home page, instead of being buried here in world politics. Admin explained that politics should be beyond the scope of the interests of expats. I disagree, but this isn't my forum. In the coming year, the new leader of the free world will be chosen, and expats in Argentina would clearly have opinions, and spirited discussions, just like the rest of the world --