Americans Giving Up Citizenship / New Roman Empire?

The US has a pretty aggressive tax system and during these times when nationalism borders on being a dirty word, people are simply doing what is in their best interests.... especially those with dual citizenship and deep pockets. Just learned the other day that Shakira is a resident of the Bahamas... somehow I think her interest in the country goes beyond the crystal water and white sand beaches. (I realize she isn't an American, but there is little shame in hiding your money among the wealthy.) Anyone who has gone through the trouble of acquiring US citizenship probably isn't going to give it up unless their earnings go above the yearly limit.

I personally would never renounce because the benefits far outweigh any tax burden I may have. Unfortunately. :p
I am somewhat interested in this subject myself. The amazing thing is that at one time no one in his right mind would give up his U. S. citizenship. The numbers reported by the U. S. government are still very small but even using those figures, it looks like a trend.

However, there is an article by Mark Nestman (I read it and now tried to find the link for you but I can't--maybe you can find it) questioning the official U.S. statistics because, checking figures provided by the individual embassies in different countries, their renunciation figures, taken together, add up to thousands and suggesting that the U. S. itself just doesn't keep accurate records on this.

I have an acquaintance, Glen, in Uruguay who recently gave up his U.S. citizenship and has no other. He is now stateless. I haven't asked him why he did that but I surely want to! I am pretty sure he would come under the living offshore exemption (what is it now? $104,000 you can earn now without being taxed in the U.S.?) but it is the paperwork alone that can drive you crazy. That and the fact that U. S. citizens can have so many problems with banks, brokerages, etc., when living internationally, as this my acquaintance has been doing for about 18 years. He hasn't returned to the U.S. once during that entire time, but still has to do all the paperwork and deal with all the problems, file all the reports. I'm surprised I don't see more complaining here about that. I too am not likely to expatriate, but I sure think of how free Glen must feel!
I wonder how the super FREE Glen feels when he wishes to enjoy his FREEDOM and travel to other countries without a passport? Free or shoot your foot off/ Take your pick. I think Glen qualifies for the Darwin award.
There are no figures in the links as to how many of those people renouncing citizenship are-
A. Born outside the USA, and returning to Birth Countries
B. Marrying a foreign citizen and settling in the spouse's home Country.

But my guess is that those two categories would make up 80% or more of the 3000 people, leaving a few angry anti-tax wingnuts who are living out their Mosquito Coast fantasies.

A "trend" of a few hundred more people, who, each for their own reasons, move permanently to other countries, is statistically irrelevant.

I understand, the underlying point of the Drudge post is that the damn socialist Obama has made the USA so horrible that true patriots are leaving in droves- but the facts just dont back that up.

The facts are, there is a waiting list a mile long to move TO the USA, and always has been.
I think there is a lot wrong with the USA, on many levels, but in terms of immigration direction, the "trend" is one way, and one way only- IN.
Forget about Drudge, he and them are Reactionaries and will behave as such.

It is interesting the parallels to the years when the Roman Empire ceased to be a Republic and became and Empire (although never giving up the title of Republic, or the Senate).

America is THE immigrant country, that is why it's newsworthy that more Americans are chhoosing not only to leave the States but to specifically relinquish citizenship.

The mistake anti-Reactionaries like Ries might make is confusing the super rich elite with the moderately wealthy ordinary people.

Another POV, or just a comment. During the Bush years people left America because it was too Fascist. During the Obama years the same people are leaving because it's too 'Socialist'. But neither tag is appropriate. The reasons remain the same. Some implicit left wingism during the Canada Bush years and some implicit Racism currently might be in the mix but are not driving factors
Anything that appears in the Drudge Report is, ipso facto, an error or a lie.

What are you talking about? In this case they're simply republishing a link from Business Week. What utter nonsense. Please stop spreading your disinformation on this board. Nothing could be further from the truth. Drudge is one of the few media outlets who has the guts to publish non govt. censored information that is not pro state propaganda. Get your facts straight.
Forget about Drudge, he and them are Reactionaries and will behave as such.

It is interesting the parallels to the years when the Roman Empire ceased to be a Republic and became and Empire (although never giving up the title of Republic, or the Senate).

America is THE immigrant country, that is why it's newsworthy that more Americans are chhoosing not only to leave the States but to specifically relinquish citizenship.

The mistake anti-Reactionaries like Ries might make is confusing the super rich elite with the moderately wealthy ordinary people.

Another POV, or just a comment. During the Bush years people left America because it was too Fascist. During the Obama years the same people are leaving because it's too 'Socialist'. But neither tag is appropriate. The reasons remain the same. Some implicit left wingism during the Canada Bush years and some implicit Racism currently might be in the mix but are not driving factors

"Canada Bush years?"
I wonder how the super FREE Glen feels when he wishes to enjoy his FREEDOM and travel to other countries without a passport? Free or shoot your foot off/ Take your pick. I think Glen qualifies for the Darwin award.

If Glen has lived in Uruguay happily for 18 years he might not need to go anywhere. Maybe his local residence is enough to travel through S. America. If "shoots own foot" Glen really wants to go anywhere he could just apply for asylum since most countries automatically grant it to stateless individuals.
Stateless by choice is a very recent phenomenon. It might be the final stage of political emancipation. I, in part, admire Glen. I'm sure Glen could apply to Uruguayan citizenship but doesn't deem it necessary (hat off to Uruguay).

Canada Bush years is what I refer to that time when Americans began resorting to stitching Maple leaves to their bagpacks to avoid confrontation at euro and south american hostels.
I moved came here in 2006 and moved here in 2007. Routinely wore my leather flight jacket with the big American flag on the shoulder. I also wore my cowboy boots and my hick cowboy hat. No one ever bothered me. Aside from, "What kind of plane did you fly?" the only thing I was ever asked was what I thought about Bush. I tested the reactions. 50% of the time I said I loved him. 50% of the time I said I hated him. Made no difference in how people interacted with me.

My .02. Your mileage may vary.