Isn't that...i don't know..objectification or stereotyping or some ess de caballo that's really de moda in half the world and intensely promoted here?
No. Vidal had her opportunity and lost it to the incredibly 200+ iq genius that is Mr. Axel Kiciloff. I don't think she needs a single minute more of consideration for anything important.
I'm an equal-opportunity offender

, sorry not sorry, but her vibe of a child in a sweet-shop realizing that she can take whatever she wants with no consequences (I'm referring to her unpayable with her own resources USD 500k+ pad in Recoleta if it's not clear) does get to me. We would be lucky if she turned into a giant blueberry, but that only happens in films.
I think it's correct to hold the current opposition to a higher standard, they should be offering something better than the lot currently in power, but until now it's a case of "quitate tu, pa' ponerme yo" at the money spigot. I already mentioned Violet... sorry, Vidal, the other candidate, Cancun Diego (yes, the guy who sent his son to Cancun in the middle of the first wave, and then brought him back on a fake PCR test), is more of the same. I know next to nothing about the 3rd candidate in CABA, the doctor guy, but experience of political doctors in CABA suggests he should stick to what he knows.
Oh and about Millei, well, gun-nut, anti-abortion (as in none at all for whatever reason), anti vax, that's enough Bolsotrumpism to validate the comparison. The rest is just opportunism, offering to work with anyone who's against your political adversary isn't a concept or a political philosophy, it's just cheap rabble-rousing.