Any Argentines in the forum?

I grew up in Argentina, left back when Susana from Hola Susana was on TV, wait she still is on TV right? I'll be going back for the first time in 17 years soon though not sure if only temporarily. Probably won't even recognize the country.
Vos te fuiste cuando Susana contaba los "corchos" después mas tarde se apunto un corcho y ahora, esta hecha un corcho! (como los de champagne) LOL
Jvanka said:
Vos te fuiste cuando Susana contaba los "corchos" después mas tarde se apunto un corcho y ahora, esta hecha un corcho! (como los de champagne) LOL

He olvidado tanto castellano que no entiendo lo que dices. Corcho??
There is a group of 'repat' ARgentines (I'm one of them) who started off here on this forum but were kicked out or stopped from posting -for what ever reason- so now they have a facebook page named:

'BA Life'
... maybe you guys want to go & check it out.

We used to try & post here but were not allowed to....So...before this thread gets deleted (I hope not)...go there.

It's really cool to meet Argentinos who have decided to repatriate, they offer a very unique perspective on things.

All the best.

Thanks! That is something my husband might be interested in.

Mi media naranja (or, my better half) dice que aca ha extrañado la vida social, la cultura, el fútbol, y las pequenas cosas de cada día. It is home for him.