Anyone Traveling To New York From Buenos Aires?


Jan 5, 2010
Is anyone traveling to New York City anytime soon? I'm hoping someone can fit 6 or 7 Frontline cat flea treatments, which are very tiny, in their suitcase. They cost around $5 US in Argentina and $60 US in the States. Of course you will be compensated. PM if you're interested or know anyone who might be. Thanks.
Have you checked the components?
Frontline makes two versions: one is the basic one (fipronil only), the other covers also the environment by (breaking the lifecycle of fleas (fipronil and (S)-methoprene). More here and here.
For Argentinian's name of Frontline's products: see here.

Anyway, to save:
  • Buy the dog version and dose 0.5 mL with a syringe
  • Buy on eBay (example)
  • If you don't need the more powerful stuff, simply look up for "fipronil" on eBay, you will find it for even cheaper

I wanted to take home some, but it ended up being cheaper buying the branded stuff on eBay.
Serafina thank you for the recommendation. I asked my friend about using a dog version and she refuses. On Ebay the price for Frontline is $20 US cheaper than in the U.S. But I'm not sure anyone can compare to $70 pesos in Argentina for the same brand. I always use to buy Frontline in Buenos Aires. It's probably so inexpensive because it's made there: one of the few things manufactured there that isn't total crap.
for once something cheaper in BA than abroad(baring some wines and a few other counted items)!

Medication is so much cheaper in Argentina. Another hot item to take to the U.S.

I used to send Viagra and Lumigan Bimatoprost to the States for friends. The glaucoma medication that incidentally makes your eyelashes grow really long cost $14 US in Argentina and over $100 US in the States for the FDA approves version.
Serafina thank you for the recommendation. I asked my friend about using a dog version and she refuses. On Ebay the price for Frontline is $20 US cheaper than in the U.S. But I'm not sure anyone can compare to $70 pesos in Argentina for the same brand. I always use to buy Frontline in Buenos Aires. It's probably so inexpensive because it's made there: one of the few things manufactured there that isn't total crap.


Frontline is imported in Argentina, you can read it on the very link you posted above. I haven't a box at home at the moment, I remember it was made somewhere in South America, anyway (Brazil?).

As for the dog version, I think your friend is confusing Merial's Frontline (fipronil and (S)-methoprene)[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background]with Bayer's Advantix (IMIDACLOPRID and PERMETRINE) which is lethal for cats and shouldn't even be used on a dog if there is a cat in the household.

For Frontline, you can read the cats and dogs' formulas on the box - they are exactly the same (as you can see for the kitten/adult cat versions). When I was actively treating 9 cats, my vet suggested to buy the dog's version, instead.

That's just for the record, I can see how hard is it with people not wanting buying from the Internet.
Frontline is imported in Argentina, you can read it on the very link you posted above. I haven't a box at home at the moment, I remember it was made somewhere in South America, anyway (Brazil?).

As for the dog version, I think your friend is confusing Merial's Frontline (fipronil and (S)-methoprene)[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background]with Bayer's Advantix (IMIDACLOPRID and PERMETRINE) which is lethal for cats and shouldn't even be used on a dog if there is a cat in the household.

For Frontline, you can read the cats and dogs' formulas on the box - they are exactly the same (as you can see for the kitten/adult cat versions). When I was actively treating 9 cats, my vet suggested to buy the dog's version, instead.

That's just for the record, I can see how hard is it with people not wanting buying from the Internet.
I figured it was manufactured in Argentina or somewhere nearby since it's $55 US cheaper. I suggested using the dog version but my friend doesn't want to. 9 cats? Wow! She gets a lot of faster cats for rescue and occasionally they give her 5 indoor two outdoor ones fleas. The Frontline dog flea treatment on EBay Infound for $40 US, but it's still much more expensive than the Argie version for $70 pesos.
I figured it was manufactured in Argentina or somewhere nearby since it's $55 US cheaper. I suggested using the dog version but my friend doesn't want to. 9 cats?

Only one was mine, our neighbour had 3 cats, one of them gave birth to 3 kittens, plus my mom's two cats... that's was quite a bunch of furry friends!