Anyone used "Atención Rápida" for new DNI & passport?


Aug 22, 2013
Once I do my juramento for citizenship soon, I will need to get my DNI and passport. From the date of my juramento, I will have about 17 days before my next flight out of Argentina. I will need to get my DNI and passport within this 17 days. According to this page:

they aren't doing the "passport exprés" right now (where you could get a passport in a few hours). There is some mention of a "pasaporte instante", but I'm not sure if it's still being offered. In any case, this would require getting your DNI first, which can take a few weeks.

There's another option I found called Atención Rápida, which appears to let you request both a DNI and passport at the same time:

Does anyone have experience using this, either for a DNI, or passport, or both? How fast does it actually happen? Any other advice on how to get a new citizen DNI and passport within 17 days?
Once I do my juramento for citizenship soon, I will need to get my DNI and passport. From the date of my juramento, I will have about 17 days before my next flight out of Argentina. I will need to get my DNI and passport within this 17 days. According to this page:

they aren't doing the "passport exprés" right now (where you could get a passport in a few hours). There is some mention of a "pasaporte instante", but I'm not sure if it's still being offered. In any case, this would require getting your DNI first, which can take a few weeks.

There's another option I found called Atención Rápida, which appears to let you request both a DNI and passport at the same time:

Does anyone have experience using this, either for a DNI, or passport, or both? How fast does it actually happen? Any other advice on how to get a new citizen DNI and passport within 17 days?

Better call Saul.....I'm sure there is an avenue...... sometimes they are just difficult to find.........good luck
Does anyone have recent experience requesting a new DNI, and how long does it take? I did the juramento ("si juro") and brought my carta de ciudadanía to the RENAPER and requested my new DNI. Is there a way to track it online? I've used the links on this page, but so far it says no results. I'm hoping to get the DNI before my next flight to the US in 2 weeks.

Thinking ahead - If my new DNI doesn't come in time, then I won't be able to request my Argentina passport. Can I still leave the country without my new DNI and passport? And if I can leave, what will happen when I return without an Argentina passport? Will it just be a hassle, or will they put me in jail, and for how long? Is there a way to get an Argentine passport from an Argentine Embassy or Consulate?
If there is no urgency, I suggest trying to get a DNI, passport before you leave . i.e stay till the task is completed.
Does anyone have recent experience requesting a new DNI, and how long does it take? I did the juramento ("si juro") and brought my carta de ciudadanía to the RENAPER and requested my new DNI. Is there a way to track it online? I've used the links on this page, but so far it says no results. I'm hoping to get the DNI before my next flight to the US in 2 weeks.

Thinking ahead - If my new DNI doesn't come in time, then I won't be able to request my Argentina passport. Can I still leave the country without my new DNI and passport? And if I can leave, what will happen when I return without an Argentina passport? Will it just be a hassle, or will they put me in jail, and for how long? Is there a way to get an Argentine passport from an Argentine Embassy or Consulate?
By February it used to be fast, like 2 weeks. But the last 3 new citizens who applied for DNI did it 3 weeks before you are there are no news yet. They said 1/3 months because they are working with restrictions.
By February it used to be fast, like 2 weeks. But the last 3 new citizens who applied for DNI did it 3 weeks before you are there are no news yet. They said 1/3 months because they are working with restrictions.

Did those 3 new citizens already have a DNI & permanent residency? I wonder if that makes a difference.
Update, DNI applied on March 23, today is already printed and mailed, but not received yet.
I always thought once you get your carta de ciudadania that you must first get a DNI with your new number as a citizen. Only then you can apply for a passport because the passport has your DNI number in, and getting a new number assigned takes some time. That's why I think you cannot really do the Atención Rápida the first time. But I may be wrong.
I always thought once you get your carta de ciudadania that you must first get a DNI with your new number as a citizen. Only then you can apply for a passport because the passport has your DNI number in, and getting a new number assigned takes some time. That's why I think you cannot really do the Atención Rápida the first time. But I may be wrong.

On the advice of bajo_cero, that's what I decided to do - get the DNI first. But I did do the Atentión Rápida. I'm not sure what makes it rápida - it may just mean that it minimizes the time physically inside the CDR building. It doesn't seem to make the DNI waiting time faster. It looks unlikely that I'll get the new DNI (and thus, passport) before I have to go back to the US in about a week.