Dear Everyone,
There is CrossFit in Buenos Aires. In fact, if you go to and search for an affiliate in Argentina, you will now find CrossFit Buenos Aires.
My name is Max Rodman, my local number in Argentina is 11 4166 7681, and my email is CrossFit Buenos Aires is official and affiliated. We are currently building the website (hope to have it completed within a week or two). We are also currently working on opening our space. We have all the tools for the gym, and we are currently in a battle to get the space "habilitado" - basically legally approved as a gym. Trust me, we want to get the space open as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we are running workouts in Bosques de Palermo every day at 6:30 pm. We meet at the corner of Infanta Isabel y Libertador (check on if you need to) at 6:15, and then will move to the spot to workout by 6:30. We generally have about 10 - 20 people all crossfitting together, so please come join!
Search for us on facebook, the group is called Crossfit Buenos Aires, and you can see more information there. If you like, send me an email or call me and I would be happy to give you more info.
Looking forward to seeing everyone,