AkBill said:catch them in the act...then have no mercy
jenandj said:any thoughts on why the portero would repeatedly enter and not stealing anything?
starlucia said:Sweep the leg, Johnny.
starlucia said:Sweep the leg, Johnny.
jenandj said:For me, the question is how to sweep the leg. So, say I catch the portero through a security camera, what then? I know better than to reach out to the police as I don't want to invite them in and then shortly thereafter find my laptop missing...
I can't figure out if the portero is just some kind of perv, or if he's just really concerned about us using too much electricity and comes in to turn off the lights and to sort through our food to make sure none of it has gone bad (this was a weird one - searching for money in our kitchen, I guess)...
Nothing has gone missing, but it makes me really uncomfortable since I have a little girl and want to feel secure in the apartment.
Has anyone had any success in dealing with a portero who stops in uninvited and repeatedly when you're not around?
AngelinBA said:As far as changing the locks go, you can take a leaf out of my Argentine husband's book "it's better to do it then ask forgiveness than ask permission and be told no". You're not talking about being paranoid about safety, you've got genuine reasons for doing this - your own safety and security, especially with a little girl in the house.
Tell your landlord you had your bag stolen with your keys in it and as it was just outside your apartment building you decided to change the locks just in case. Promise to get them copies of the keys (and do it when you hand over the apartment) and apologise for any inconvenience. Make it sound like you're doing them a favour - preventing thieves from entering.
The other idea someone else posted of telling the portero you're installing a security camera is also a good one.