Apply for CDI online


Mar 27, 2024
Hi. I'm retired and planning to buy an apartment in BA in October and need a CDI, and have read about the process here on the forum. But all posts say get a domecile and make an appointment with AFIP.
But when I go to the process seems to be online now?
Also, they don't ask for a domecile, just passport.

So I have a few question:
- Is this correct, is it a pure online process now?
- In F663- new version they ask for "Domecilio Real". Is that my BA address or my home country address?
- Can you apply from abroad without a power of attorney. (escribio/lawyer)? The form has a field that says Residency Validity (until).

Also on the AFIP online application it says, translated to English:
"Attach original and copy of the documents indicated above.
In the case of individuals who are not residents of the country or entities established outside the national territory, this period will be extended to 30 administrative business days"

- What is the meaning of this? Do I have to wait 30 days for the CDI?

All help will be appreciated.
Howdy Ottobe,

There are probably more qualified members here who you can answer your question. However, when I applied for a CDI last year to buy a car I had to have a proof of address here, which required a signed form with a seal and two witnesses at a police station. I also was told by AFIP I needed a least my Precaria status at immigrations done. Hope that helps.
I just got a cdi a few weeks ago. You need to get a certificado de domicilio, then get a turno at the afip office for your community. Fill out the from and make a copy along with your passport. Then go to the afip office in person
I got a CDI back in the early 2010s and I had to go in person to AFIP with a certificado de domicilio like arvest said. Looks like not much has changed.