Applying For Citizenship In B.a. Provincia


Apr 9, 2011

I am hoping to apply for citizenship but live in Provincia de Buenos Aires (in Merlo, zona oeste), and understand that I don't apply at Tribunales in Capital but need to apply somewhere else. Does anyone know the address of this 'somewhere else'? Thanks so much.
This is one of those questions that a lawyer could answer very quick. Not sure if it would have to be in la Plata, or in Merlo, or even what type of judge you need.
This is one of those questions that a lawyer could answer very quick. Not sure if it would have to be in la Plata, or in Merlo, or even what type of judge you need.

A friendly type of judge always speeds up the process.
This is one of those questions that a lawyer could answer very quick. Not sure if it would have to be in la Plata, or in Merlo, or even what type of judge you need.

You would think so, wouldn't you.

Not even a reputable immigration agency who specialise in getting citizenships could tell me!
I think she refered to me.
San Martín Federal Court. Bonifacini (ex calle 85) 1170 and Lincoln, San Martín.