Are Argentines racist?

Perhaps Arabs are better understood as an ethnicity as opposed to a race, but this still suggests some level of tolerance, no?
Doesn't seem that way. Several Governors in the NE provinces are of Arab descent.No one believes they were elected an act of tolerance? Argentinians are composed of many different immigrant groups
Perhaps Arabs are better understood as an ethnicity as opposed to a race, but this still suggests some level of tolerance, no?
When the economy was doing well during the first Menem administration a wealthy woman joked to me that any doubts she had had about him were dispelled when she realized all of a sudden that Menen was blond with blue eyes.
When the economy was doing well during the first Menem administration a wealthy woman joked to me that any doubts she had had about him were dispelled when she realized all of a sudden that Menen was blond with blue eyes.

When the economy was doing well during the first Menem administration a wealthy woman joked to me that any doubts she had had about him were dispelled when she realized all of a sudden that Menen was blond with blue eyes.
A left handed joke? Please explain.
Are Syrians considered a different race? I´m certain Syrians would resent this Remark.
I didn’t say this to offend anyone. All I’m trying to say a racist nation wouldn’t elect a Syrian immigrant as a president. If the guy was Indonesian then I’d use Indonesia as a reference. Someone from a different cultural and religious background can get elected in this country. Which is awesome. There’s nothing to be resentful about this. If there’s anyone to resent; they are the Argentines for being tagged as racists! So go play your word games somewhere else.
A left handed joke? Please explain.
I don't know what a left handed joke is but I clearly understood the woman to be saying that she overlooked the fact that Menem was of Syrian and Muslim background because he was improving the economy, hence she said he turned blond and blue eyed in her perception.
I don't know what a left handed joke is but I clearly understood the woman to be saying that she overlooked the fact that Menem was of Syrian and Muslim background because he was improving the economy, hence she said he turned blond and blue eyed in her perception.
Thereby showing the general Argentine racism that those with blond hair and blue eyes are somehow superior…
Are Argentines racist? Yes

Are Americans racist? Yes

Are Spaniards racist? Yes

I've lived in all three nations and I'd rather live with the form of racism in practice in Argentina than in those other 2 nations. For foreign people of African descent in Argentina, violence and aggression are extremely rare.

Argentina is no racial utopia but the vast majority of people are decent and aren't regularly acting on racism, despite whatever thoughts they may have. I've never ran into a 'Karen' in Argentina.
I didn’t say this to offend anyone. All I’m trying to say a racist nation wouldn’t elect a Syrian immigrant as a president. If the guy was Indonesian then I’d use Indonesia as a reference. Someone from a different cultural and religious background can get elected in this country. Which is awesome. There’s nothing to be resentful about this. If there’s anyone to resent; they are the Argentines for being tagged as racists! So go play your word games somewhere else.

Menem, an Argentine citizen,was born in Anillaco, La Rioja to a Syrian family, Menem was raised as a Muslim, but later converted to Roman Catholicism to pursue a political career.
Racist countries have elected black presidents.
I didn’t say this to offend anyone. All I’m trying to say a racist nation wouldn’t elect a Syrian immigrant as a president. If the guy was Indonesian then I’d use Indonesia as a reference. Someone from a different cultural and religious background can get elected in this country. Which is awesome. There’s nothing to be resentful about this. If there’s anyone to resent; they are the Argentines for being tagged as racists! So go play your word games somewhere else.
Menem still had to convert to Catholicism in order to be president.