Are au pairs common?


Jul 21, 2010
Hello all!

Hoping/thinking of moving next year, and was curious as to how likely it is that I could get a job living with a family as an Au pair.

I'm American, age 26, studied music and art in college, then spent a year in France as a live in nanny, helping the kids with their English and teaching piano lessons. From the research I've done so far, Au pairs don't seem to be nearly as common in South America, but I'm really hoping to find some leads and get advice from those of you already there! I found it was a fantastic way to learn the language and have that immediate "inside track" on the locals and culture, and I absolutely loved my time in Europe.

I'm not thinking strictly BA, I'm interested in going lots of different places around the country; but it will honestly depend on any job opportunities I come across. SO! Any ideas? knowledge of agencies? how common is it? Am I just wishing upon a star to think that this could work out for me? :rolleyes:

Thank you so so much for any help and feedback!