Are Most Fruterias Dishonest?

They did that to me when I first came but you have to try to go to self-service and pick your own or insist that if they don't give you the ones you want you will not but. Nobody will force me to buy something that I don't want. You may have to go to different stores until you get the best one with the nicest sellers. In my neighborhood there are some stores where they don't want you to come in and check out the produce: I simply don't go back to those places.
I have four verdurias around my block. I use the autoservicio. You pick out your own. When I first started going there I was señora. Now I am mamita. It helps to be able to laugh and joke in Spanish. And I love their cat.
I, too use autoservicio and know most all the employees to at least say hola to. They know I'm an American and ALL talk English to me (one of the reasons my Spanish isn't good). Most call me by my first name when I enter the store....
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