.....George Bush is just a 'trust fund baby' ... he had the 'Pailin' like effect that was needed to rouse the common garden variety republican vote. The lame duck that was saved by Osama. The neocon conservatives that pull the strings have already 'left the building' so to speak... the heist/robbery of the American worker has been completed... mission acomplished Now the rest of the world has to foot the bill.
jedard said:
Sorry to disagree but all of this global crisis came from but one human being, GWB--------- George W. Bush.
.... who are the editors in the finance news media? maybe they report back to the same paymaster. Who dictates the agenda? If Bloomberg.com & gang blacklist you, there's no fair game... Argentina will never win with the news mafia.
Doesn't Alan Greenspan get any "blame" for mistakenly believing the banks would look out for their own financial interests?
It was Greenspan who kept interest rates staggeringly low following 9/11. That, coupled with "reverse red lining" in the housing market led to the the sub-prime lending frenzy that truly is responsible for the crisis at hand.
Don't forget that the FED kept interest rate artificially low during the 1920's. We all know where that led.
But, if you persist in your belief that GWB alone is responsible, please elaborate in greater detail.