Argentina Ends Electricity Subsidies

It is the right thing to do.
In many ways, Macri is doing what president Fernando Henrique did in Brazil in the mid 1990s, when the Real was first implemented. If he is willing to pay the political price of those reforms, like Fernando Henrique was in Brazil, the future of Argentina looks bright, once it survives the painful transition.
i dont see that the party is over at all.

We all begin to pay realistic prices for services like electricity and gas - that is all.

I have no problem with it , as long as someone makes sure the companies begin to invest in the infrastructure to provide a decent service.
I guess consumption will drop in coming years, when people will realise that electricity costs money. But I don't agree with the speculations, that poor people won't have to pay almost nothing. Everyone should pay the same according to consumption, but poor people should have other help. Now they will just recklessly spend electricity, and remain poor...

However, I'm not complaining to pay more, for last 2 months they charged me 44p! Does this even pay the stamp and paper??
The poor people will have help. Part of the plan is to increase how much "wealthier" clients will pay to offset the cost for the poor. So the government will no longer subsidize them directly, it will be the rich. What level of wealth they're talking about, I don't know. But I expect mine, which is already high, to double at least.

Which would be OK in most senses, as I would still be paying less than i was paying in Houston for electricity. As someone mentioned, as long as investments in infrastructure and efficiency were being made.

But on top of that we have continuing high inflation and over-priced goods, services and rents. It seems the country is caught on the line between hope and fear of what's to come while being crushed under the weight of the stinky, oily residues of the K Effect. It's getting to be a bitch to live here. But this isn't Macri's fault and he's doing what needs to be done to unravel the mess that the previous idiots brought to the country. Hopefully the results of bringing it early will reduce the overall recovery time.
The hacking into power lines is the gospel truth and has been going on for the 37 years that I have been in this country
Sadly, there are occasional news stories of inexperienced "villero" hackers who have been electrocuted will doing it.
Maybe not?
Electricity rates in Buenos Aires Province are going up by 500% for 80% of its residents. Kindda scary.
Not just in the villas, but in unofficial settlements of houses and shacks (well, sort of like villas but different than, say, Villa 31 that I'm fairly familiar with) in the province. And not just electricity, but sewage as well. I know someone who has a house in a place like that who was digging a hole for a septic system and encountered the main sewage lines running into a local municipality. They immediately forgot the idea of buying their septic tank parts and tapped directly into the sewer. You can bet it wasn't done correctly and once the pipe was found the entire settlement tapped into it.

Villeros are a plague on Argentina. Most all are not Argentine either. There are a minority of villeros who are honest workers whether in black or white - but aren't contributing and paying their fair share either, as far as at least utilities go. But the majority look for ways to not integrate into Argentine society, consume resources without contributing and are behind a lot of the street crime and narcotics that goes on (not talking about things like the trapitos, which are an Argentine mafia kind of problem for the most part).
And since water has already gone up by leaps and bounds, we need water meters! I living alone pay as much as the same size flat with 5 people in it! And if it is metered, maybe people will start to stop wasting this precious commodity! We can live without gas and electricty AS HARD AS IT WOULD BE but water, NO!