Argentina makes international news for...cops beating up old people.

Yes it was terrible to do those things to unruly lawbreakers who crack heads with stones, burn vehicles and business.
What they should have done is spanking those profesional hooligans in their bare asses!
I do love that the soccer fans have come out to support the retirees in these protests. The images aren't exactly heart-warming, I guess, but I appreciate the spirit of support.
Those aren’t “soccer fans”.They’re hired goons and paid political agitators recruited to create chaos and cause mass destruction.
The idea is to make the Milei government look weak and incompetent. They did it to Macri in 2017. Milei has already stated that he wants to bury the Kirchnerista party and put Cristina in the coffin. I don’t think Cristina is too happy about that. The 12 years
of Kirchners rule they stole millions and are now using that money to stay in power and manipulate the political scene.
What happened in front of congress the other day is a perfect example of political corruption and organized crime.
A match made in heaven.
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94 people arrested at the protests. 5 are soccer goons from barrabravas

Apparently half of them had criminal records, something the judge said she did not look at. These were not just any old soccer fans or regular citizens, many of them anyway.
I wouldn't jump to any conclusions here. It is well known fact that the best tactics for police against protests is escalation. Standard procedure to implant few guys inside to turn things to ugly. Then you can go full force against everyone, and most people there are not invested enough to endure or deliver violence, so all the movement is suppressed. Handbook really, old as humanity...
I wouldn't jump to any conclusions here. It is well known fact that the best tactics for police against protests is escalation. Standard procedure to implant few guys inside to turn things to ugly. Then you can go full force against everyone, and most people there are not invested enough to endure or deliver violence, so all the movement is suppressed. Handbook really, old as humanity...
So the 50% with criminal records were all police agitators?
And of the people literally turning a police car on its side and setting it alight, how many were pensioners or old people?
Having seen the raw footage, not a single one.

The most disgusting thing is that they drag the most vulnerable down with them and put them in harms way (when pensioners were protesting against their miserable $80 pensions and biting hunger during Alberto and Cristina's time... where were these strong "young" men and women ripping up the streets in "solidarity"?)

Just another legitimate cause being hijacked by violent political extremists with their own agendas and sponsors who are pushing for the blood of "martyrs" to be able to then go play victim because they fear or know they can't win a free and fair election.
sometimes you have to '' fight fire with fire ''
So why weren't they fighting fire with fire when Alberto cut their pensions? It's happened with every govt since Macri. Hypocrites, or folks with another political agenda that has nothing to do with pensions.
sometimes you have to '' fight fire with fire ''

Far from fighting fire with fire, one of the principles of justice is that it's supposed to be impartial, it's not, as Patricia Bullrich claimed, because a photojournalist is sympathetic to Peronism, he deserves to be brain damaged from a direct headshot by a policeman.

She has already said she will not allow an investigation, and will cover up the identify the responsible policeman. She really is a disgraceful individual. It would be deeply satisfying to see her paraded at the ICC like Duterte.