Thank you for your response.
I never said that I "do not care that the retirees will lose their money" - look at what I wrote: "there are greater evils in the world than retirees losing some cash".
It is important to provide a source for any article as it is misleading. This is because while the information may be well substantiated, the theoretical position that sustains the information, and the argument, is critical in developing a response to the article.
Furthermore, I think that using simple binaries to understand this "global financial crisis" such as public/private, capitalism/socialism, free market/intervention, do not necessarily assist in developing greater understanding. It only serves to entrench positions the "ideological wars" I was referring to.
I am aware of the situation of the pension nationalisation in Argentina. I simply do not think that a "government = good/private = bad" interpretation of the situation is useful, or relevant.
I apologise if my comments seemed callous, there is a lot of antipathy among my generation toward the previous one.