Pericles, why don't you provide a source for the article? Does the world socialist website ( come to mind?
viva la revolution!
Christy! Of all the garbage that is being printed about global financial crisis this is pap.
I don't want to buy into the capitalism bashing, because there are greater evils in the world than retirees losing some cash. For some context and a grand generalisation, the generation that is losing their money (on paper) is the generation who had free university education, cheap housing, and under the Howard Government received billions of dollars worth of subsidies and tax breaks to buy the "grey vote".
I live in Australia and am moving to BsAs next year - I read this forum to see what's up in BsAs. However, some members in particular post about the most peculiar topics, to justify and sustain some of sort ideological war - on what? Perhaps the chip on their shoulder.
Cry me a river.