For those who may be interested in shopping around for cheaper rates...
I kept my list, which was published by La Nacion on May 16th, of the medical centers and private laboratories that perform the tests.
Reported by the Unified Biochemical Confederation (CUBRA); Adecra and Cedim, which represent medical centers
and private diagnosis and treatment entities, both associated with the Argentine Union of Private Sector Health Entities (UAS),
these are the main centers that perform Covid-19 tests:
Ciudad Autonoma de BA:
Centralab, offices in Flores, Belgrano, Botanico, Caballito, Congreso, Liniers,
La Imprenta (Belgrano), Palermo, Plaza Italia Recoleta, Retiro, Villa Crespo
Diagnosis Maipú, Belgrano headquarters
Diagnóstico Médico, Belgrano
Laboratorio Cemic, Parque Saavedra and Palermo headquarters
Sanatorio Finochietto, Recoleta
Laboratorio Hidalgo, Recoleta
Hospital Aleman, Recoleta
Hospital Britanico, Parque Patricios
Hospital Italiano, Almagro
Imat, Recoleta
Manlab Laboratory, Recoleta
Laboratorio de Medicina, Almagro, Palermo and Paternal
Laboratorio Rapela, Flores headquarters, Belgrano and Barrio Norte offices, San Cayetano, Sanatorio Pasteleros, ITAC
Laboratorio Rossi, Abasto headquarters
Laboratorio Stamboulian, consult locations
Swiss Medical Group Laboratory, Recoleta
VZ Laboratorios, Villa Urquiza and different locations
Province of BA:
ABM Laboratorios, Tandil
Laboratorio Rossi, San Isidro headquarters
Diagnostico Maipú, Vicente López headquarters
Fundación Científica del Sur, Adrogué
Hospital Austral, Pilar
IACA Laboratorios, Bahía Blanca
Laboratorio Bionet, La Plata
Laboratorio Fares Taie, Mar del Plata
Laboratorio Hidalgo, Vicente López and Don Torcuato