This coronavirus will prove to be a great equalizer - we are all in the same boat now.
In the same boat, but not permanently so. Actually temporarily.
Right now the virus has disrupted all societies.
BUT - Each individual country / society will recover at different rates due to their abilities and systems / technology in place.
Kind of like two people who exercise to exhaustion. One is the "AVERAGE JANE or JOE" and the other is "THE WORLD CLASS ATHLETE." The athlete is in great physical shape and will recover quicker because they are very fit. The average person takes longer to recover and in some cases dies of a heart attack.
I think we need to focus on the condition of each country BEFORE the virus took center stage. If we do that, we have a good indication which is more aligned with each person who exercised to exhaustion.
No disrespect to Argentina or it's people, but the fact is, they are not going to be competitive with a first world juggernaut. Furthermore, Argentina was on the brink before all this happened while a lot of first world countries were cruising along enjoying great economic conditions.
Add to that, first world countries are thrownig TRILLIONS of DOLLARS at their economic revivals already. Argentina is trying to renegotiated an amount of debt that is crippling them, an amout that is equivalent to a rounding error in a larger economy.
Argentina is the average person who exercised to exhaustion and they are at risk of dying of a heart attack in the aftermath of the virus cleanup stage.
And I hope I am completely wrong because I am very fond of Argentina and it's people.