As bigbad mentioned previously, the objective for investors and savers to is preserve one's purchasing power as much as possible when govts. act irresponsibly. As all fiat currencies are being debased through over printing, precious metals are the only form of money that can't be printed.
Some argue gold has intrinsic value, others say it doesn't. In the end, it doesn't really matter. As long as it's an agreed upon form of money, that's all that matters; and it's been this way for 5000 years. Salt used to be a form of money, so were sea shells. The key is who/what gets to control or manipulate the quantity.
It's all about timing. I can selectively choose or isolate statistics during a certain time period to show that any asset class is a risky investment, be it stocks, bonds, real estate, currencies, precious metals, commodities etc. Now, just happens to be gold's time. In 10 years it could be something else.
And don't let the value of gold as measured in USD be any indication of its true value. All you need to do is observe the intense gold buying of China, Russia and many other central banks worldwide. Gold bullion sales are at record highs right now with investors taking advantage of the discounted prices. The US and Austrian mint are working overtime and can't produce enough gold to meet the demand.
Of course, you'll never hear any of this from the mainstream press, whose job it is to muddy the waters and keep its viewers misinformed in order to keep the global ponzi scheme economy going.