Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

A 35-minute interview with John Williams of Shadowstats. In my exceedingly humble opinion it's well worth listening to.
How can you even begin to compare a dictatorship/ command economy with a democratic market-based economy?

I assume you mean a free market economy, which of course, does not exist anywhere in the world today. All markets are manipulated, some more than others of course however the US market is no different.

The very fact the Fed intervenes to set interest rates is a huge manipulation. Interest rates should be set by the market.
Yes they finally added the yuan to a long list of currencies they accept. They also added the Japanese yen, Indian rupee and Australian dollar too.

That's great, just don't let the article I posted previously act as the be all and end all to the topic. That was just the tip of the iceberg:

Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End

Replace dollar with super currency: economist

[background=transparent]De-crowning the dollar, and the 'collapse' ahead[/background]

[background=transparent]The demise of the dollar

Nothing Lasts Forever; World Bank Ex-Chief Economist Calls For End To Dollar As Reserve Currency

[background=transparent]China calls for dollar to be replaced as global reserve currency[/background]

[background=transparent]Overlooked News Out Of China A Game Changer For U.S. Dollar

China suggests switch from dollar [/background]


Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar

China and Russia abandon the dollar in new bilateral trade agreement

So Long, US Dollar

Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble in Trade, Fars Says

U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar

Scrap dollar as sole reserve currency: U.N. report

UN wants new global currency to replace dollar
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.


It's interesting to see that the purchasing power of the dollar actually rose for extended periods - well that is, before the creation of the Federal Reserve.

According to an interesting study of the 775 fiat currencies that have existed 599 are no longer in circulation. The median life expectancy for the defunct currencies? Fifteen years. Perhaps the author was being unfair by focusing solely on the failures. Sadly no, the average life expectancy of all fiat currency is running at a truly underwhelming 27 years. Only a select few have managed anything approaching old age. The British pound sterling is one such example at over 300 years and counting. Before we get too excited by this apparent example of longevity, at inception the pound was defined as 12 ounces of silver. The pound is now worth less than 0.5% of this original value and of course there is no silver involved anywhere. In other words, the most successful currency in existence in terms of life-span has lost more than 99% of its value.
Are we all trapped with no way out?

2008 meltdown was just kicked down the road .. for someone else to deal with it .. in the future ...

Do you really believe that 6 years later .. quote: "the future is here now" John Williams ?

( besides stocking on lead for your guns ) ... Seriously .. do you think it's true?
It's like a structurally unsound bridge that got that way because of decades of neglect. Everything looks normal, traffic passes over it -- but you know that one day it'll collapse. But you don't know which day.
A 35-minute interview with John Williams of Shadowstats. In my exceedingly humble opinion it's well worth listening to.

This gentleman thinks nationwide, while the use of the USD is globalwise. Its global reserve status preserves it from collapsing, which is a pity, since the controled market can t oblige the government to be virtuous and status quo preserves financial lobbies privileges.
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Here's some ugly news I haven't seen in Lanacion or Clarin, but it could be my fairly introductory Spanish:

It looks like we will be in for an ugly update on the foreign reserves status when it is next published.

If that continues, a further devaluation is inevitable...

It is an open secret that, since 2007, the government has deliberately lied about inflation rates. Non-governmental statistics and provincial statistics indicate that the real rate of price increases has been about three times what government figures indicate. Those figures, once factored into real GDP, show that Argentina’s GDP growth was as low as 0.5 percent, belying exaggerated reports of 10 percent growth.

To temper the bad news the president also announced a 200 percent increase in education subsidies to families that earn less than 30,000 pesos. This payment, which averages 813 pesos, affects 1.9 million households at an annual cost of 1.56 billion pesos, a paltry amount, in comparison to the 140 billion pesos in energy and transit subsidies to be slashed.


The government has launched a demagogic campaign of shaming supermarkets that raise prices excessively; the president has met with housewives who participated in the campaign. The Peronist youth movement La Campora has been enlisted in this project. The program is ineffective; prices for staples, such as flour, bread and fruit continue to rise. The price of bread in 2013 increased 105 percent, dragged up by a whopping 170 percent in the price of flour. Many of the poor find themselves unable to afford domestically grown apples and citrus fruits.

It is very possible that 2014 will see the beginning of hyperinflation in Argentina (monthly price increases of 50 or more percent), devastating those with fixed incomes. Income for pensioners and those that depend on government handouts are adjusted every six months on the basis of figures from a year before.
It looks like we will be in for an ugly update on the foreign reserves status when it is next published.

If that continues, a further devaluation is inevitable...
Do you know when the next release of foreign reserves is? I have this week to swap some euros, trying to pick the best time.

I might be in the minority but I have a rather positive long term outlook on the US economy (5-10 years+), the country has been in way worse situations and prospered. You will always have ups and downs, it's part of a capitalist society - in general however the ups will outweigh the downs.