Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

If the world does not go under before 15 February, I demand compensation!
Since the dollar is collapsing, and the world is ending, could you all please give me all your dollars and worldly possessions...seeing that you're really holding on to worthless crap?

I'm just doing my neighborly duty by getting rid of the crap for you :)
Er, would you mind sharing all that worthless money, etc. with me?

Quick video explaining the basics of quantitative easing in layman's terms. Its from 2010. Nothing has changed, things have gotten worse. You don't have to read a fed shills personal opinion, just ask the 100 million working age Americans who are out of the job market all together or the 50 million Americans on food stamps. Watch the whole video, its funny yet educational. Its good stuff to know next time someone tries to blatantly lie to you about the scam that is quantitative easing and who its really benefitting.
Youtube is the place to find really first rate documentation, like how the Grand Canyon was created in just 600 years or how all the 10-30,000,000 different species x 2 genders plus their food for several months could fit into a wooden vessel 300 feet long. Way to go!
I think we've done this before, but no, the Fed does not print and print. It performs an asset swap for banking reserves creating more reserves in banks by taking certain asssets in return, which allows more lending etc.

It does that, sure. But it also prints money to fund its own fiscal shortfalls to the tune of roughly $85bn a month -- and is forced to do so because of insufficient tax receipts. This is what's making the markets jittery and my guess is at some point there will be a mad stampede for the exit (from the dollar).
Since the dollar is collapsing, and the world is ending, could you all please give me all your dollars and worldly possessions...seeing that you're really holding on to worthless crap?

Hehe, doesn't work like that. The trick is to convert those hot-potato dollars into something of more enduring worth (land, precious metals, maybe some other currency).
There are, sadly, some people out their who actively hope the world financial system will crash. Bizarrely, some of them want it to crash not just so they can boast about the amount of tinned tuna they own, but so that it can be replaced by an even more odious (and the current system ain't great in that respect!) system which allows even more wealth concentration and even less regulation and wealth distribution.

The days of the dollar as reserve are running out and others countries are already making alternative arrangements for bilateral trade -- e.g., clearing imbalances with gold. The world financial system based on the dollar is coming to an end -- and that's as it should be. Everything has a life span and that of the US dollar has come to an end.
The days of the dollar as reserve are running out and others countries are already making alternative arrangements for bilateral trade -- e.g., clearing imbalances with gold. The world financial system based on the dollar is coming to an end -- and that's as it should be. Everything has a life span and that of the US dollar has come to an end.

Some people will never get it. Those that do will profit from the ignorance of others.
