Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

Man. I gotta get a job at the fed. Its literally like taking candy from babies.

Matt Drudge recently tweeted four words without an explanation:


What better reason could there be to have an exit plan than a global economic meltdown?

In a google search I found this :


It's a survivalist/prepper site with the same ads that appear in the website that linked when I started this thread.

I found this article embedded in the above link:
A fed shill, interesting, I think I have been to the US maybe twice in the last 10 years. Another one for the ignore list I think....
It does that, sure. But it also prints money to fund its own fiscal shortfalls to the tune of roughly $85bn a month -- and is forced to do so because of insufficient tax receipts. This is what's making the markets jittery and my guess is at some point there will be a mad stampede for the exit (from the dollar).

This is blatantly false information. To begin with, the Federal Reserve is actually a profitable institution that turns over most of those profits to the US Treasury on an annual basis. Second, the Federal Reserve does not print any money ever. The "$85 billion monthly fiscal shortfall" you are alleging has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve and is the US federal government's budget deficit; this deficit is not funded by "printing money" as you allege. The US Treasury auctions off securities (T-bills, T-notes, T-bonds) and the proceeds of these auctions are what funds the government's fiscal deficit.