Argentina's Capital Moving To Santiago Del Estero ...???

Spelling seems to be more complicated than it should be. There are 3 possible spellings that would make sense on this forum:

The Hague (language of the forum);
Den Haag (the city's native language);
La Haya (language of the forum's host country).

Why does everyone opt for "none of the above"?
I drove to Santiago del Estero from BA several years back…wowza, there's a lot of pampa out there, and the first sign of "civilization" is SDE, which isn't saying much. Should cut down on participation in street protests though!
I drove to Santiago del Estero from BA several years back…wowza, there's a lot of pampa out there, and the first sign of "civilization" is SDE, which isn't saying much. Should cut down on participation in street protests though!

La marcha de los bombos will become the marcha de las bombas!
Sure it's happening. Right about the same time as the bullet train to Rosario and the construction of South America's tallest building on the isla demarchi.
ahh, now i understand it...