Argentina's Legendary Ruta 40 is One of the World's Greatest Drives


Oct 9, 2007
There's still so much more I want to see on it. I've done from Belén to La Quiaca, Zapala to El Bolson, and Chalten to Rio Turbio, but I really want to see the section of nothingness in Chubut and Northern Santa Fe, and then the sights in Mendoza, San Juan, and La Rioja.
Esquel is as far south as I have managed. I have done Zapala to Chos Malal many times. Chos Malal through Malargüe and San Rafael to Mendoza city (and the reverse) a few times. Mendoza to San Juan and Barreal off-ruta40 loop is nice and possible to drive the climb to Paso Agua Negra without going down to Chile. San Juan to Cafayate Is recommended, and/or to Parque Nacional Talampaya. To sleepy Cachi then off 40 to Salta.

Before 2010 we always traveled in the Peugeot 205 90s diesel hatchback. Since then in a modern Fiat or rentals. Even the bus is interesting though not the same full experience, plus not always on 40.
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Esquel is as far south as I have managed. I have done Zapala to Chos Malal many times. Chos Malal through Malargüe and San Rafael to Mendoza city (and the reverse) a few times. Mendoza to San Juan and Barreal off-ruta40 loop is nice and possible to drive the climb to Paso Agua Negra without going down to Chile. San Juan to Cafayate Is recommended, and/or to Parque Nacional Talampaya. To sleepy Cachi then off 40 to Salta.

Before 2010 we always traveled in the Peugeot 205 90s diesel hatchback. Since then in a modern Fiat or rentals. Even the bus is interesting though not the same full experience, plus not always on 40.
Esquel then off 40 to Parque Nacional Los Alerces is well worth a trip