Argentina's Problems: What Are They and What's The Prognosis?


Jul 24, 2023
I arrive to Buenos Aires on August 23rd and will be staying with a friend in Palermo Hollywood. He went in June and has already hired a lawyer to get residency or citizenship or whatever it is. He immediately fell in love with everything and wants to retire there. That's also the reason I'm going - to check it out. I just returned from Turkey, Greece, Italy & Spain for 3 months to see what retirement life might look like. So far, Spain wins my vote but loved Athens & Istanbul. MY BA research on topics of liveability/retirement is overwhelmingly positive. I talk to BA residents on various forums and overwhelmingly, get positive information about living there. BUT...There's always an ominous cloud hovering about ARG problems economically, infrastructurally (outside BA), and something I can't define about life/living there. I'm not an economist so I don't understand inflation or big macro theories about economies. Can someone give me a simplistic answer on the major challenges facing the Argentinean people and how it got that way? Thanks.
its complicated. If you love Argentina, you can find ways to make it work, especially if you have income from abroad. If you dont LOVE it, its probably not worth it.
In some parts of life, its cheap, in others complicated, and while not actually "expensive", certainly not by London or LA or Tokyo standards, its pricier than some places.
There are benefits that make it worth it, but not the same benefits apply to everyone.
Which is part of its charm.
Most of the "ominious cloud" is actually received wisdom from economic writers who havent successfully predicted what happens in Europe or North America, but are SURE they understand whats wrong here.
Most Argentines I know who have lived abroad eventually return. They complain about things, but they still come back. Go figure.