Argentine Bonds Fall After Us Court Ruling

For each 100 US dollar transaction, Argentina has to print 700 pesos for Xoom but only 500 pesos for the official rate at the ATM. Therefore in order to slow inflation, Xoom will be curtailed. This will most likely be achieved via a 30% tax on currency exchange at unofficial rates.

Sorry, but that's not how it works. First, the Government is not doing this transaction, Xoom is. They are in the middle, so negotiations are passing through them. If I start a business and I pay you a rate of 10-1, I can't say that Argentina needs to print 10 bills instead of 5. They are going to keep printing at a rate of 5 to 1 regardless of the rate that a private company could offer. I, Chris, need to put the other 5 bills from my pocket to be able to give you that rate, not the gov. If I enter money into the country (legaly) through a wire transfer for example, I'm going to get 5 100 bills, not one more.

How is Xoom offering this rate? Only they know, but I think they are doing a reverse "contado con liqui" transaction to give you 40% above the official rate. I don't think they are using the black market because there are too many money laundering laws (they are trading right now in the stock market, so I don't think they are willing to do something so Illegal with all eyes above them weeks from their IPO). This legal option could allow them to enter money into the country at a high rate compared to the official rate (while everyone buys bonds in arg to sell them in wall street, Xoom could be doing the opposite, buying those ADRs or bonds in US and selling them here in pesos).

What Xoom is doing is not generating any sort of expense to the country nor doing anything to Inflation. The problem is money leaving (ARS to USD), not money coming.(USD to ARS).
What Xoom is doing is not generating any sort of expense to the country nor doing anything to Inflation. The problem is money leaving (ARS to USD), not money coming.(USD to ARS).

Well, it is an expense because those dollars that are being sent through Xoom never end up in the country. If they had been removed from an ATM, they would have wound up in the Central Bank's account at the NY Fed.

More pays this rate because it's competitive, and it's the only way to stay in business. It really makes no difference to them what the rate is because they're just making a "spread" of sorts.

And if you look the transfer receipt, nothing about dollars is ever mentioned. I'd assume that the receipt they have you sign is the main document that is reviewed by the AFIP, UIF, etc. There isn't an exchange rate. There isn't the dollar amount. It just says that someone sent you X-amount in pesos.

Infobae reported a few months ago that they'd soon start regulating these folks. Evidently, in order to mask the exchange rate, places like More are tacking on high commissions:

En el caso de las remesadoras, por ejemplo, existen varios cuestionamientos por las comisiones que cobran a los clientes. En algunos casos, representan la mitad del importe máximo permitido para girar al exterior.

This seems to be the loophole. Let Xoom calculate the rate to avoid responsibility, and then tack on high commissions for those who send money in order to compensate.

It's not their fault, though. How else would they get the dollars to stay in business?

Vamos por más!
I have taken a bit of an interest in this subject over the last 72 hours because I am worried about my stay in Buenos Aires and in particular restrictions. Why does Argentina make it tough for anyone to bring dollars in - it seems crazy??? They must need dollars or am I being totally blonde? I get the need to pesify the economy and to avoid dollars going in the other direction, but I cannot grasp why they would make it tough for me to bring dollars in to spend on MAC!?????

You may be totally blonde? :D but most if nor all countries restrict to $10K the amount of currency or negotiables, unless you declare it , includes Uruguay and also de USA...!!
A United States court of appeals gave Argentina until March
29 to submit a plan for the repayment of $1.33 billion in

No lawyer, but it sounds like the court is asking Argentina for a payment plan to make plaintiffs whole, full payment. Going to be interesting for sure.
March 31st is D-Day in Argentina.

D as in "Default". March 31st is when the next payment is due.

And D for big Dollar restrictions coming into place. You can kiss your Xoom goodbye!

I had discredited Joe's crystal ball.... But then maybe we have to kiss goodbye airline tickets and touristic packages in pesos at Official dollar rate..... :eek: What the Fxxck...!! The Stocks getting tighter...according to Clarin.

¿El último verano “barato”? del Dolar???

Se decía que el Gobierno estaba a dispuesto a cortar, tal vez esta misma semana, la posibilidad de que las agencias siguieran vendiendo paquetes turísticos al extranjero en dólares al tipo de cambio oficial......!!!! :eek:

I had discredited Joe's crystal ball.... But then maybe we have to kiss goodbye airline tickets and touristic packages in pesos at Official dollar rate..... :eek: What the Fxxck...!! The Stocks getting tighter...according to Clarin.

¿El último verano “barato”? del Dolar???

Se decía que el Gobierno estaba a dispuesto a cortar, tal vez esta misma semana, la posibilidad de que las agencias siguieran vendiendo paquetes turísticos al extranjero en dólares al tipo de cambio oficial......!!!! :eek:


I really hope they don't, i really like to travel out of the country from time to time and without the posibility to pay in pesos at oficial rate this will make it very hard.