Hey Inferno, what about the Declaración de Aduanas? Do you know if I need to bother to list everything, since I know it will be exempt anyway?
Todo viajero que arribe al territorio aduanero deberá efectuar sin excepción la Declaración de Aduanas, completando todos los campos previstos en los formularios
OM-2087/G3 para vía Aérea o Marítima y
OM-2087/G4 para vía Fluvial o Terrestre.
In the flight they are going to give you that paper before landing.. but the reality is that people don't usualy fill it if they don't have anything to pay for. Even if they do, they sometimes take their chances and leave it blank or throw it out. If you bought a 1,000 USD laptop, you *should* fill that so that they can make you pay the difference, in this case around 350usd (300 free of taxes, 50% of the rest). As you were living abroad and are exempt of charges.. I wouldn't fill it, but that's me. It's like,stating you need to pay but you wont because you are exempt. I don't know if the person that could ask you something read their own company manual.
They target people who are living in argentina, go to the US -mostly- and bring back expensive equipment. I suppose you are going to bring back a lot of items from your house, so if someone ask you to open the bag and give the form, you can just tell politely that you don't have anything to declare, that you are moving to argentina and are bringing your stuffs with you. Sometimes they may be even curious and they will ask you some quick questions because they are bored. They only problem you may have is if you have like 4 new closed ipad boxes to resell.
You are going to see that sometimes an official site will say that you need to do this, and that, and this other thing, but in reality, they don't bother to follow their own rules. It's kinda like that book, follow your own adventure, do you know it? You need to make choices and decide what you would like to do, you will need to read page X or page Y based on that. In this case is the same, even if the afip site says you are exempt from personal items, if you have too many new items that may gave them the impression that you will sell them here, they will charge you. If they don't like your attitude because you treated them bad and they are also having a bad day, they will try to charge you for any stupid thing regardless of what their site says.
For example, I travel with a lot of technology with me. In the bag I take with me to the plane, I have always 3 laptops (personal, work, small homeserver), external 3tb drive, camera, ipad, wdtv, among other things, so I'm checked in every security checkpoint. I fill a form before leaving the country declaring all this to avoid paying taxes when I come back (I'm not from the US, I'm just here because I like the forum and I like to give a hand if I can). When I do come back,, they should check that the serial numbers and models match the report (which they do), but they don't even bother to see that. It's like,
"okay, go on, I don't want to lose time here". Btw, I dont fill that form you put in your response even if it says I should.
I'm sure you are going to be okay