Argentine Electronic Folklore

Paloma is a wild woman.
The Rumanians. They are sisters, and its more techno than folk, but pretty fun nonetheless. They play and DJ around town, at places like Dengue Dancing.
I have seen these guys live, and they shake the walls- its more like Andean Heavy Metal than Folk, especially when they are all playing drums made from old cans and barrels.
But this video is positively mellow in comparison to their live show.
Tremor, LIVE.
Up close, those drums make your bones vibrate.
Okay, he's from Uruguay. But its still one of my favorite songs, and, in its use of sampling, and looping, and acoustic guitar, I would say it qualifies as techno-folk
King Coya, who is from Villa Donde. I dont think the Subte goes out that far.
I am a huge Axel fan. He is the multitasker- he plays trumpet sometimes with Soda Stereo, he DJ's electronic style, he composes classical, he plays jazz, tango, indie, techno/folk- there is nothing he cant do. Dude is smart.
All his records are great. Buy any Axel Krygier, you cant go wrong.
I have been trying to catch this guy live for a while- I will be in town for two months this summer, hopefully I will get a chance.