Argentine girl looking to befriend expats.


Aug 28, 2010
Hey! So basically, I know it's odd, but I am looking to befriend expats.

Why, you might be wondering? Well, it happens that ever since little, I always would say "You know, I'll grow up and leave to the US/AUS/UK!" and ever since, not only I sort of dropped Spanish (although I am fluent and bilingual) but also without realizing I started following foreign trends and preferring foreign foods/things rather than my own country's.

We could say, even though I am from Argentina and lived here my whole life, I am a foreign in my own land. Specially ever since my mama took me to the US when I was a kid. Life never been the same again!

This, however, does complicate things a bit. I can't speak in Spanish as freely as I do in English, so you can guess making friends can be quite the hassle. I don't listen to the music they do, and I am naturally turned off by their Spanish, somewhat.

So I thought, maybe I could hop in, maybe someone wants to be friends and hang out. I could show you around the city, and we could chat and build a friendship that way! I think you'd be too practicing or learning some Spanish in the long run, why not?

So let me know! I'll be looking forward to it. :)

Also, 18/f/BA~ You can always hit me up on AIM; liesliesrevolt2 (it's a trash account to be honest, or it was, it became my main somehow all of a sudden!)

Though I'd prefer it if we could exchange some emails and stuff before we meet, I am editing this to make it clear. I am kinda new to these offline meetings and I think It'd make it easier!